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Example sentences for "read about"

  • There have always been martyrs; I don't see why it is any harder for us to be martyrs than for those we read about.

  • Sometimes Ellen, sitting underneath them on a low rib of rock on a May morning, used to fancy with success that she and the trees were together in that first garden which she had read about in the Bible.

  • They are accursed in the sight of the Lord, as were those women we read about in the Old Testament, with their mantles and crisping-pins.

  • In the months that followed, I occasionally bicycled to Walden Pond, where I read about Thoreau's experiment with self-reliance.

  • I read about Rama's claim that those who had not done well in his program were "simply unrealistic or lazy.

  • Towards the Sunset In the last chapter we read about some of the people who lived in the Eastern lands south of the desert.

  • The Two White Races In the last chapter we read about some of the dark-skinned Africans who live in South Africa, but we said also that there are many Europeans living there too.

  • You heard the rumor, or read about them at any rate, that Lee Oswald was studying communism when he was 14 years of age, did you not?

  • After all this came out later, I read about it.

  • No; not till I read about him in the paper--that she had another marriage and it broke up, I believe, or something.

  • But it sounded such an extraordinary thing, a Tube, when I read about it that I expected to see something different," John continued.

  • There was no love in that story, and people like to read about love.

  • Read about it in Ingersoll's "Wit of the Wild," in the chapter on "Animal Partnerships.

  • Read about it in "What Mr. Darwin Saw in His Voyage around the World.

  • The biography will supply the need of that part of the public which has no time to read Strindberg, but has plenty of time to read about him.

  • You couldn't git his mind offen that plan if you gin him one of the golden harps we read about.

  • Louis and Clark, the very men I'd read about in Gasses Journal, how I wished their eyes could see and their ears hear me.

  • He was like that hero she had read about--rather were not all true heroes like him?

  • I've read about him in Pilgrim's Progress; he showed Christian the way to the Wicket Gate.

  • I have known more than one instance--and I read about a gentleman who had desired to be taken suddenly and he was killed by lightning while sitting on his own piazza.

  • Of course the papers were full of it, and all men capable of reading, read about it.

  • New York ye read about he cud be seen anny night sittin' where th' lights cud fall on his bald but youthful head.

  • I've read about a famous town That drove a famous trade, Where Whittington walk'd up and found A fortune ready made.

  • I've read about a Fairy Land, In some romantic tale, Where Dwarfs if good are sure to thrive And wicked Giants fail.

  • I've read about a fine Estate, A Mansion large and strong; A view all over Kent and back, And going for a song.

  • The other kind of darkness we cannot see: it has to do, not with places, but with people, and we read about it very often in the Bible.

  • Oh, I read about it in a book last year," came the ready answer.

  • But now the Indians are far away from here and they are different from the ones we read about in the history books.

  • It was just like the stories we read about in school about the 'knights of old that were brave and bold.

  • Murdher, but 'tis dhreadful to r-read about.

  • R-read about th' time I was christened,' says th' boy.

  • I've read about it," replied Charley, "but forget exactly how it was done.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "read about" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    actual existence; concentrated solution; cream whipped; dumb animals; father dear; make bold; oxalic acid; read aloud; read over; read that; read the; readily imagined; readily obtained; readily propagated; readily recognized; readily soluble; reading aloud; reading from; reading room; reads thus; ready for; ready money; ride over; tell her; within the; yellow when