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Example sentences for "make people"

  • If you wish to make people stare by doing better than others, why, make them stare till they stare their eyes out.

  • There is in human nature a general inclination to make people stare; and every wise man has himself to cure of it, and does cure himself.

  • But consider how easy it is to make people stare by being absurd.

  • Is it wrong then, Sir, to affect singularity, in order to make people stare?

  • There is in human nature a general inclination to make people stare; and every wise man has himself to cure of it, and does cure himself[219].

  • But if you begin trying for an effect, it is like splashing about in a pool to make people believe it is a rushing river.

  • I used to feel that I was meant to be happy, and even to make people happy, and that I had been caught and pinned down in a sort of pillory.

  • A13; a2] become a comedian or a person who does things to make people laugh.

  • If you wish to make people stare by doing better than others, why make them stare till they stare their eyes out!

  • It seems impossible to make people just or charitable or industrious or agreeable or successful, by law, any more than you can make them physically perfect or mentally sound.

  • Our fathers tried to make people religious by law.

  • All I insist on is that these days shall be for the benefit of the people, and that they shall be kept not in a way to make folks miserable or sad or hungry, but in a way to make people happy, and to add a little to the joy of life.

  • Thousands are now trying to make people temperate in the same manner.

  • If he got beat tryin’ to make people understand, it was worth a sight more to the country than his gettin’ elected dodgin’ the truth.

  • What I want is to make people understand.

  • That’s what I’ve been tryin’ to do--to make people see it as I do.

  • The effect of the Roman exaltation of celibacy was to make people believe, that the motive [of conjugal intercourse] implanted by God, viz.

  • A 3´): The devil raves and rages in these latter days like a mad dog and tries above all to make people despair.

  • For some generations, now, we have tried to make people good in a vague, general way, by using priests, sacraments and confessional boxes.

  • The men who understand people-machines, who understand iron machines, and who understand how to make people-machines and iron machines run softly together.

  • Religion has done more than anything else to make people rational in their lives and not merely the sport of their impulses and instincts.

  • We make people capable of feeling pain more poignantly, but do not add to their power to stand trials or train character by self-control to make the best of life under reasonably severe conditions.

  • If I was him, I'd like to make people suspect a bit that I wasn't like the common lot o' them.

  • What we have to do is to make people feel as if we were nothing--nothing.

  • I know how boys like us live, and so we should not do anything which would make the police angry or make people notice us.

  • If you wish to make people stare by doing better than others, why make them stare till they stare their eyes out.

  • There is in human nature a general inclination to make people stare, and every wise man has himself to cure of it, and does cure himself.

  • Is it wrong, sir," he took speedy opportunity of inquiring from the oracle, "to affect singularity in order to make people stare?

  • But consider how easy it is to make people stare by being absurd"--a proposition which he proceeds to illustrate by examples perhaps less telling than Boswell's recent performance.

  • One, anxious that the part in the discovery taken by Ferdinand and Isabella should not be forgotten, even tried to make people call it Fer-Isabelica.

  • They did all sorts of things to make people believe in these accusations.

  • He was a truly great man, and in an age when men were cruel to each other out of mere thoughtlessness he tried to make people kinder to their fellows.

  • Would that one state come in, the friends of union asked themselves, and they worked their hardest to make people think as they did.

  • And they are apt to thicken the juice, and to make people fat, unless their constitution is strong enough to neutralise them.

  • She busied herself about everybody's affairs, and was kind to everybody, without any feeling of delight in the mere work of patronizing, but out of a sheer pleasure in trying to make people happy.

  • She could not rest without trying to make people happy.

  • At least, if it was not an object defined and set out before her, it was an instinct: it was to make people happy.

  • Really, everybody ought to go to the mines, just to see how little it takes to make people comfortable in the world.

  • How little it takes to make people comfortable.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "make people" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    clasping her hands together; come along; curiously enough; finite being; forty year; make arrangements; make certain; make contracts; make ends; make free; make himself; make itself; make love; make myself; make something; make speeches; make sport; make thee; make trial; make trouble; make what; prairie chicken; seven eggs; wading birds; warm friend; what cause