He is a warm friend of mine now, after twenty years, and has long forgiven me for the bullet I lodged in him in 1873.
As soon as this important report arrived they flew to St. James' place and found the landlady a warm friend of the man they were looking for.
He was a warm friend of Grundtvig's, who constantly encouraged him in his literary efforts.
He was a warm friend of Bengel, who wrote the introduction to one of Pfeil's hymn collections.
Although Schalling was a warm friend of Selnecker, he hesitated to subscribe to the Formula of Concord, claiming that it dealt too harshly with the followers of Melanchthon.
He was a man of great philanthropy--a warm friend of the injured red men and accepted the agency of the Cherokee station.
He was a warm friend, an affectionate husband, a faithful father, a consolation to the widow and the fatherless, an upright and honest man.
Mr. Dundas (afterwards Viscount Melville) declared that he had always been a warm friend to the abolition of the Slave Trade, though he differed from Mr. Wilberforce as to the mode of effecting it.
To the latter cause he was a warm friend, seldom omitting any opportunity of declaring his sentiments in its favour.
When the question of the abolition first came before the public, he was a warm friend to it; and from that day to this he had cherished the same feelings.
He was still a warm friend to Velasquez, and, of course, disliked the Spanish leader.
Cortes, seeing the advantage of his position, cultivated warmly the friendship of Velasquez; and as he knew that Andres de Duero had his particular confidence, he managed to make a warm friend of him.
He was a warm friend to the Governor of Cuba, and, of course, an enemy to Cortes.
She was a warm friendof Mary Todd and a leader in society.
Lincoln was a frequent visitor at the house of Able, and a warm friend of the family.
Speed, who was a warm friend of the Edwardses, Lincoln was led to call on Miss Todd.
For a young woman to dream of fanning herself, or that some one is fanning her, gives promise of a new and pleasing acquaintances; if she loses an old fan, she will find that a warm friend is becoming interested in other women.
To borrow one, you will have a misunderstanding, perhaps, with a warm friend.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warm friend" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.