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Example sentences for "majora"

Lexicographically close words:
majesties; majesty; majestys; majo; majolica; majordomo; majorem; majores; majori; majoribus
  1. In the child, also, the labia majora are less developed, for as womanhood approaches a great deposit of fat takes place in these structures.

  2. Absence of the labia majora has been observed, especially by Pozzi, to the exclusion of all other anomalies.

  3. The labia majora were normal and flattened on the anterior surface.

  4. The upper angle of the labia majora and the mons veneris are the usual locations.

  5. The fatty glands of the labia majora are also sometimes affected and then appears the disease called Follicular Vulvitis (in the chronic stage secretion is abundant).

  6. I also occasionally repeated these words of saint Xavier with a very good heart: Domine, ne me his eripias malis, nisi ad majora pro tuo nomine reserves.

  7. Within the labia majora are two smaller folds called the labia minora.

  8. Between the two lesser lips is the sexual aperture, which, with the labia majora and minora is called the vulva.

  9. The clitoris of woman corresponds to the penis of man, the labia majora to the scrotum, etc.

  10. When the labia majora are taken apart we see the labia minora; when the labia majora and minora are taken apart we can see or feel the clitoris and the hymen, or the remains of the hymen.

  11. The mons veneris and the labia majora are, after the age of puberty, always normally covered by a more or less profuse growth of hair.

  12. The outer sides of the labia majora are covered with hair, and on the inner sides, which are smooth and moist, but are not true mucous membrane, there are a few sweat glands and numerous large sebaceous glands.

  13. The Talmud calls the labia minora the doors, the labia majora hinges, and the clitoris the key.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "majora" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.