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Example sentences for "magnesian"

Lexicographically close words:
magnate; magnates; magnatum; magnes; magnesia; magnesite; magnesium; magnet; magnete; magnetic
  1. The ossiferous deposits, in which also traces of man were found, lay both in fissures and in caves in the Lower Magnesian Limestone.

  2. It is not of flint but of “white magnesian stone.

  3. The distinguishing feature of this district is that it is composed of magnesian limestone, which rises in peaks of a most singular degree of sharpness and streaked by veins of the most startling colours.

  4. In the white crystalline dolomite-rock of the Binnenthal near Brieg in Switzerland beautiful water-clear crystals of dolomite are found; and crystallized masses occur embedded in serpentine, talc-schist and other magnesian silicate rocks.

  5. Magnesian limestones, which contain both dolomite and calcite, may be etched by exposing polished surfaces for a brief time to cold weak acid; the calcite is removed, leaving small pits or depressions.

  6. The dolomite or magnesian limestone of the English Permian is an instance of this.

  7. Pure magnesian limestone yields very nearly a cubic inch of the gas for every grain in weight.

  8. This rock is used in many places for building; indeed our most splendid monument of Gothic architecture, York Minster, is constructed of magnesian limestone.

  9. Or, if the equivalent quantity of calcined magnesian limestone be boiled for some time in bittern, the lime of the former will displace the magnesia from the muriatic acid of the latter.

  10. The sulphate of magnesia is generally made by acting upon magnesian limestone with somewhat dilute sulphuric acid.

  11. Many prepare it directly, by digesting upon magnesian limestone the equivalent saturating quantity of dilute sulphuric acid.

  12. Indigo gluten or gliadine is dissolved along with the calcareous and magnesian salts by acids.

  13. The lime resulting from the calcination of magnesian limestone appears to have an injurious action on vegetation, unless applied in quantities considerably less than common lime, when it is found to fertilize the soil.

  14. The second locality of calamine is in the magnesian limestone formation of the English geologists, the alpine limestone of the French, and the zechstein of the Germans.

  15. The explorations of calamine in the magnesian limestone, are situated chiefly on the flanks of the Mendip Hills, a chain which extends in a north-west and south-east direction, from the canal of Bristol to Frome.

  16. And I'll begin to treat by what decree Of nature it came to pass that iron can be By that stone drawn which Greeks the magnet call After the country's name (its origin Being in country of Magnesian folk).

  17. Therefore, when iron (which lies between the two) Hath taken in some atoms of the brass, Then do the streams of that Magnesian rock Move iron by their smitings.

  18. The rich copper mines of Germany are in the magnesian limestone, or, as it is there called, Zechstein (minestone).

  19. It is then magnesian limestone, or dolomite.

  20. The lower division of this formation, called the Permian system, consists of a thick mass of sandstones, generally of a red color, with occasional alternations of argillaceous rock, succeeded by a series of magnesian limestones.

  21. It is one of the bases of dolomite and magnesian limestone, and is an ingredient of talc and all talcose rocks.

  22. Defn: To convert (a magnesian silicate) into serpentine.

  23. It sometimes contains also magnesium carbonate, and is then called magnesian or dolomitic limestone.

  24. The prevailing rock is a magnesian limestone.

  25. The yellow magnesian limestone of bed No.

  26. It is also clear that some of the upper edges of the coal strata, together with the upper part of the dike, had been subsequently removed by denudation before the lower New Red Sandstone and Magnesian Limestone were superimposed.

  27. Reptiles in 1830 had not been detected in rocks older than the Magnesian limestone, or Permian formation; whereas the skeletons of four species have since been brought to light (see p.

  28. Dolomite, so common in many parts of Germany and France, is also a variety of magnesian limestone, usually of a granular texture.

  29. In all the strata above the Magnesian limestone the homocercal tail predominates.

  30. But the horizontal beds of overlying Red Sandstone and Magnesian Limestone are not cut through by the dike.

  31. Now it is a singular fact, first pointed out by Agassiz, that the heterocercal form, which is confined to a small number of genera in the existing creation, is universal in the Magnesian limestone, and all the more ancient formations.

  32. The country of Mansfeld, in Thuringia, may be called the classic ground of the Lower New Red, or Magnesian Limestone, or Permian formation, on the Continent.

  33. They have been classed with the magnesian limestone by Professor Sedgwick, as being nearly co-extensive with it in geographical range, though their relations are very obscure.

  34. The rocks are, as far as examined, magnesian and are probably all dolomites.

  35. The associated beds are impregnated with earth, and in places there occur thin layers of potash and magnesian salts.

  36. There are also beds of potash and magnesian salts in the same area, but their value and quantity have not been thoroughly proved.

  37. The interior, as well as most of the mausoleums, is of a soft white fine-grained magnesian limestone, from the quarries of Seyssel, near Culoz.

  38. He also reduced under his dominion the city of Demetrias, a place of great strength, and convenient in every respect; with the whole of the Magnesian state.

  39. In England it is usually divided into Magnesian Limestone or Zechstein, with subordinate Marl-slate or Kupfer-schiefer, and Rothliegende.

  40. It is composed of a diversified mass of Magnesian Limestone, generally of a yellow colour, but sometimes red and brown, and bituminous clay, the last black and fetid.

  41. In Lancashire thin beds of Magnesian Limestone are interstratified with red marls in the upper Permian strata, beneath which there are soft Red Sandstones, estimated by Mr. Hull to be about 1,500 feet thick.

  42. The Magnesian Limestone consists there of two great bands, separated by marls and sandstone, and quarried for building and for lime.

  43. In Derbyshire and Yorkshire the magnesian limestone, under the name of Dolomite, forms an excellent building-stone, which has been used in the construction of the Houses of Parliament.

  44. In England the Permian strata, to a great extent, consist of red sandstones and marls; and the Magnesian Limestone of the northern counties is also, though to a less degree, associated with red marls.

  45. The andesites have mostly a porphyritic structure, and the larger felspars and ferro-magnesian minerals are often visible to the naked eye, lying in a finer groundmass, usually crystalline, but sometimes to a large extent vitreous.

  46. In these the walls have been changed into dolomite or magnesian limestone, and the canals seem to have been wholly obliterated, so that only the laminated structure remains.

  47. The limestone may have been originally a mass of fragments of this kind with the aluminous and magnesian material of the spinel in their interstices.

  48. A striking similarity between Athens and the constitution of the Magnesian colony is the use of the lot in the election of judges and other magistrates.

  49. In the constitution of the Magnesian state Plato has not emancipated himself from the limitations of ancient politics.

  50. The average ability of the Athenian and Magnesian councillors could not have been very high, considering there were so many of them.

  51. A still more singular law, occurring both in the Athenian and Magnesian code, enacts that a stone or other inanimate object which kills a man is to be tried, and cast over the border (Telfy).

  52. Extravagance at weddings (Telfy), and at funerals (Telfy) was forbidden at Athens and also in the Magnesian state.

  53. All the citizens of the Magnesian state were free and equal; there was no distinction of rank among them, such as is believed to have prevailed at Sparta.

  54. The enmity to the sea is another Spartan feature which is transferred by Plato to the Magnesian state.

  55. It is the spirit of this life which Plato would infuse into the Magnesian state and which he seeks to combine with the common meals and gymnastic discipline of Sparta.

  56. Neither the Spartans nor the Magnesian colonists were permitted to engage in trade or commerce.

  57. Sappho and Anacreon are celebrated by him in the Charmides and the Phaedrus; but they would have been expelled from the Magnesian state.

  58. Under the banner of their veteran leader, the Janizaries fought and conquered but he withdrew from the field of Varna, again to pray, to fast, and to turn round with his Magnesian brethren.

  59. Dol omite or magnesian limestone, with layers of marl, limestone, and gypsum.

  60. A by-product in the removal of magnesium from a magnesian limestone is an excellent material for correction of soil acidity, on account of its physical condition.

  61. A magnesian lime corrects as much acidity as a high calcium lime, and a little more, and its use is to be recommended if there is any advantage in the matter of price, except in the case of distinctly sandy soils.

  62. Leading scientists making tests of limestone for normal soils, use magnesian limestone freely.

  63. This is not traceable to any considerable experience by practical farmers that inspires caution in its use, although immense quantities of magnesian limestone and lime have been used.

  64. So they sailed past the Isle of Sciathos, with the Cape of Sepius on their left, and turned to the northward toward Pelion, up the long Magnesian shore.

  65. In limestone regions springs are charged with calcium carbonate (the carbonate of lime), and where the limestone is magnesian they contain magnesium carbonate also.

  66. Talc schist consists of quartz and talc, a light-colored magnesian mineral of greasy feel, and so soft that it can be scratched with the thumb nail.

  67. It often contains magnetite (the magnetic black oxide of iron) and olivine (a greenish magnesian silicate).

  68. The same authority of forty years ago also mentions that "Some of the grandest scenery in the State is produced by the high castellated and mural bluffs of this (Third Magnesian Limestone) Formation, on the Niangua and the Osage.

  69. It issues from near the base of a bluff of Sandstone and Magnesian Limestone, a few feet above the level of the North Fork.

  70. Further up this creek in a wild and secluded spot, observed a Natural Bridge with six feet of this chert bed at its base, and Silicious Magnesian Limestone above.

  71. Beginning at the top, they are: First Magnesian Limestone.

  72. In the section on building materials he remarks: "One of the most desirable of the Missouri marbles is in the Third Magnesian Limestone on the Niangua.

  73. The Fourth" Magnesian Limestone, or lowest number of the Ozark series recognized, has its typical exposures along the Niangua and Osage rivers in Morgan and Camden counties.

  74. There is another cave a few miles south of Ozark, and another ten miles southeast occurs in the Magnesian Limestone.

  75. Third Magnesian Limestone, with a road passing over its upper surface, presenting it very favorably for observation.

  76. Shumard mentions several of this character in Pulaski County, the most noted being Niter Cave, in the Third Magnesian Limestone, with a wide entrance thirty feet above the level of the Gasconade.

  77. The early geological reports represent the Magnesian Limestone series as made up of seven members.

  78. Against its nucleus of very ancient granites and porphyries the Ozark series of magnesian limestone was laid down.

  79. The bluffs, both above and below, are very precipitous, the middle and lower beds of the Third Magnesian Limestone forming perpendicular escarpments, frequently studded with cedar, some occurring on top of the bridge.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "magnesian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.