Writen at Cambrigge the Sunday nextebefore the fest of Seynt George.
The nexte stone was layd by S^r John Tattersall, prson of Boston, who layd down thereuppon vl.
And there, uppon Monday nexte after the feast of St. John Baptist, was layd the first stone, and that stone layd Dame Margaret Tylney, and thereuppon layd she vl.
In the first figure nexte folowyng, is discribed the forme of an ordinarie battaile or bande of fower hundred and fiftie men, and in what maner it is redoubled by flanke.
Wherfore Metellus beyng with an armie in Hispayne, to one, who asked him what he would doe the nexte daie, answered, that if his sherte knew therof, he would bourne it.
Who declaryng the order that the Consull had taken to faighte the nexte daie, by reason wherof the enemies beyng afraide to deminishe their owne strength, went not to incounter the same legion, and by this way thei wer conducted safe.
Also the seide Paston, the Saturday nexte bifore the feste of Saint George, the vj.
Plumstede, the whiche to the same Juliane schulde discende be right of heritage, as doughter and nexte heir of the seide Margarete.
The nexte morning the shipe came, but they were fast, & could not stir till about noone.
And in that lond let make his ordinaunce As verray lord, and took the obeisaunce Wel and hoomly, and let his shippes dighte, 2480 And hoom he goth the nexte wey he mighte; For unto Phillis yit ne com he noght.
The nexte hour of Mars following this Arcite to the temple walked is Of fierce Mars, to do his sacrifice With all the rites of his pagan guise.
And of the other lines those are longest, that benexte vnto it that passeth by the centre.
A, which goeth by the centre of the circle, and the nexte vnto it, that is D.
In euerie circle the longest line is the diameter, and of all the other lines, thei are still longest that be nexte vnto the centre, and they be the shortest, that be farthest distaunt from it.
For the thyng is more playner then any declaration, yet considering that other common sentence that foloweth nexte that.
Comings and goings No turmoil need bring: His all thy future-- "Doe the nexte thynge.
Praise him and sing, Then as he beckons thee, "Doe the nexte thynge.
Fear not to-morrow, Child of the King; Trust it with Jesus, "Doe the nexte thynge.
This Hibrahim was so dearely beloued with the Emperour Solyman as he exercysed the Office of Vesiri, whych is nexte to the Emperour, the chyefest in degree of honor.
And the pleasaunt Memory of your valyaunt facts beguyle my pensife thoughts, hopyng our nexte meetyng shall bee more ioyfull than thys our dysiunctyon and departure heauy.
For which cause vnderstanding that his gracious enimy was gone into the Countrey, he thoughte well to consyder of his determynatyon, and to breake wyth hir in hys absence, the better to Execute the same, vppon his nexte retourne to the Citye.
O beastly order of Men that cannot conteyne their lust within the boundes of their owne House, but must goe hunt after other Women as Beastes do after the nexte of their kinde that they chaunce vppon.
But so mutch gayned this second warnyng as the first, for which cause the nexte day after the assault was gyuen, where if the assaulte was valiant, the resistaunce was no lesse than bolde and venturous.
Hir nexte paleys, the next palace (or mansion), which belonged to Venus.
The note, I trowe, maked was in Fraunce; The wordes wer swich as ye may heer finde, The nexte vers, as I now have in minde.
Nexte / his bryngynge vp vnder one Peter Pisane / of whom he was instructe bothe in Greke and Latin.
Nexte after that it be- houeth hym to haue refuge to the merytes of his elders / yf there be any / and to open them.
THere was a great contencion in the Grekes army afore Troye betwene Ulisses and Aiax / after the dethe of Achil- les / which of them shulde haue his armour as nexte to the sayd Achilles in valiaunt- [D.
Nexte / after suche exposicion to declare and proue the sayd exposicion true / with as many argumentes as we can.
Pentecoste nexte, and at Halowmesse nexte aftyr that xlli.
And, nexte to the Kynge, I answerd pleynly I was bownde to do him service, and to fullfylle hys comaundment to the uttermest off my powere, by the grace off God, Who ever preserve you to Hys plesur.
If I yede to the plowgh, I pynched so narwe, 8770 That a foot lond or a forow Fecchen I wolde Of my nexte neghebore, And nymen of his erthe.
I have best truste on too, and nexte hym to the wryghe potte; and I mystruste moost the potte that hathe a krotte abovyn in the toppe, lesse that he hathe ben ondoone.
And the nexte daye, the three theues were conueied foorth, to blesse the worlde with their heeles.
Emperour imbracing him, did highly commende him, tellinge them that were by, that his life was saued chiefely by God’s assistaunce, and nexte by the prowesse of Alerane.
Duringe which time he constituted his nere kinsman, his Liefetenaunte generall, and thenexte morning before the daye appeared hee gaue a great alarme to his ennemies, wherein hee escaped vnknowen.
The nexte mornynge betymes the *[leaf 13, back]* spitte and pottes were sette at the Spittle house doore for the owner.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nexte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.