You will enjoin upon him,' Throckmorton had said, 'how goodly a thing is the lieutenancy of stone lighters that in this letter is proffered him.
He had begged him, in the inn, to take the lieutenancy of the Calais lighters; he had trotted at Culpepper's elbow in the winding streets; he had stood in his very path on the gangway to the ship that was to take them to Greenwich.
Ye sent no boy to stay him at Calais with lieutenancy of barges?
His Colonel a few days back sent for him and informed him it was his intention directly to recommend him for a lieutenancy (my brother being, through good luck, at the top of the list of ensigns).
I hope in a few months to have my lieutenancy through the regular routine of promotion.
He stated that he had not known Graham was either his footman or his daughter's husband when he had nominated him for a lieutenancy in the cavalry.
The Duchess had expected that it would be continued in the family, as had been the Lieutenancy of Barsetshire, which also had been held by the old Duke.
He was not long after, when the unlucky Monmouth fell into disgrace, recompensed with the lieutenancy of Yorkshire and the government of Hull.
Served out his sub-lieutenancy finely, and has behaved this winter like an officer and a gentleman.
A man not eligible for a lieutenancy in the army unless he can prove four generations of noble descent?
He has been advanced from a lieutenancy to a lieutenant-colonelcy in the adjutant-general's department of the rebel army.
Ormond, made a Marquis, and raised to the Lord-Lieutenancy in Leicester's place (Jan.
This was partly a tribute to Lord Lisle's own zeal and to service he had already rendered in Ireland, partly a compliment to his father, the Earl of Leicester, whom Charles had displaced from the Lord-Lieutenancy to make way for Ormond.
The Lord-lieutenancy of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and the office of Custos Rotulorum of the North and West Ridings, seem also to have been inheritances of this family.
I preferred the Regular Cavalry first, because I intended fitting myself, by the experience I should gain in the ranks under the severe discipline and drill, for a Second Lieutenancy in that branch.
Clapart by her first husband, and that young man was promoted to a sub-lieutenancy in a regiment where he had been serving as subaltern.
A member of the Commission of the Lieutenancy for London; a director of the Royal Exchange Insurance Company (3, Bank-buildings, E.
Artillery Company, 1845; a commissioner ofLieutenancy for London (Postford House, Surrey).
A magistrate for Surrey; a commissioner oflieutenancy for Middlesex; M.
Lord Temple, espousing the cause of Wilkes (for which he was dismissed from his Lieutenancy of the county of Bucks) continued in opposition till he was finally reconciled to his brother in 1765.
We are left in some doubt as to whether his Lordship looked at this time to office in England, or to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland.
Feel for me, my dear brother; consult your reason and your affection, and let me hope that you will feel that satisfaction which every one of my family most earnestly feels at my acceptance of theLieutenancy of Ireland.
Disaffection to the English Lieutenancy is cheaply shown, and it paves the way toward disaffection to the English crown.
Fitzwilliam, Earl, is dismissed from the Lord-lieutenancy of Yorkshire.
Whately, Archbishop, his opinion on the Lord-lieutenancy of Ireland; note.
Earl Cowper and Mr. Forster had been succeeded in the Lord Lieutenancy and Chief Secretaryship by Earl Spencer and Lord Frederick Cavendish.
After having been so long threatened with removal, as a favourer of the Papists, he was actually deprived of the lieutenancy of Ireland, in 1684, for not being disposed to second James II.
When Clarendon was banished, the prevailing party, and especially the Duke of Buckingham, entertained a design of impeaching the Duke of Ormond, and succeeded so far as to deprive him of the lieutenancy of Ireland.
This document is followed by another one entitled “The said [Miguel Lopez de Legazpi is granted] the lieutenancy of a fortress in Cubu.
To Ireton he offered the lieutenancy of Ireland; to Cromwell the garter, the title of earl of Essex, and the command of the army.
During the contest of the two parties, the government of Ireland had remained a great object of intrigue; and the Presbyterians endeavored to obtain the lieutenancy for Waller, the Independents for Lambert.