Gaining the summit of either cliff, you stand on level ground, with a flat or undulating country sweeping around you to the distant limits of the mountain chains.
We had soon left the shady groves behind us, our clever little ponies often obliged to pick their footsteps, where an outcrop of rock or blocks of fallen stone obstructed the margin of level ground.
Low ridges break off to the river in rocky cliffs, which descend to a narrow margin of level ground.
In that space, and all the country round Nola consists of level ground, the armies met.
Construction on the scale of 1/200 of a complete profile for each of these works, supposed to be established on level ground.
Discussion on the ordinary profile of earthen entrenchments; on the dimensions to be given to the ditch in level ground.
Our next halting place was a small village called Corgo Seco, situated in a most rugged and uneven district, with not half an acre of level ground in any part of its vicinity.
During our progress hither, we observed that the mules travel as quick on an ascent as on level ground; they much excel the horse in uneven roads with sharp turnings, and still more so in bad roads.
Wherever there is an acre of level ground, there is a patch of green, for the wheat fields are just springing up; and even spaces of but a few rods are planted with potatoes.
He moved down the embankment a little slowly at first, but once on level ground, he strode along with rapid strides; while we, sitting aloft, regarded with amazement the scene before us.
There is hardly an acre of level ground, only the jagged ends of hills, or points of rocks, from which the torrents have swept away the earth on either side, leaving only the bare surface.
On level ground it is harder to get up again than on a hill side, owing to the difficulty of getting the skis underneath one in order to get to one's feet.
As soon as they came to level ground, they set off at a run.
There was no level ground at the Kaltbad station; the railbed was as steep as a roof; I was curious to see how the stop was going to be managed.
We got front seats, and while the train moved along about fifty yards on level ground, I was not the least frightened; but now it started abruptly downstairs, and I caught my breath.
The journey, going and coming, is about three miles and a half, three of which are on level ground.
Uphill and downhill over the hummocks bumped the sledge, until they arrived on level ground, where the slanting rays of the sun, endlessly reflected from the snow-crystals, fell into their eyes.
They seized his sledge and himself, pushed them to the top of the hill and down the other side on to level ground.
Make your first flights on level ground, having a couple of men to assist you in getting the apparatus under headway.
And yet this practice is just as necessary as the initial lessons on level ground.
On level ground in even row Her houses rise in goodly show: Terrace and palace, arch and gate The queenly city decorate.
Then by the river’s side they found A pleasant spot of level ground, Where all was smooth and fair around, Their lodging for the night.
Once commenced, nothing can stop your wild career, till you find yourself at the foot and on level ground; and even then you have to run a goodly distance to expend the impulse that carried you downwards, or else you will tumble.
On level ground I think the advantage would have been all on the side of the men, but here on the snow, and encumbered with their snow-shoes, the odds were all on the side of the pursuers.
At the foot at last, and on level ground, they hasten forward, welcomed by the Saint Bernard to a spot where lie two inanimate human forms, partly hidden by the lightly drifting snow.
The quantity of level groundis too scanty to maintain a population of any extent, and the few persons we found here, had been compelled by the King of Siam to live on the spot.
From the centre of the island to the sea-shore, the land was abrupt and steep, there being not the smallest extent of level ground.
It is unprotected against the vicissitudes of the weather, it is fully exposed to the pernicious influence of either monsoon; it is steep, rugged, and unproductive, and totally destitute of level ground.
The proportion of level ground is besides very inconsiderable, and the hills are too steep to admit of easy or profitable culture.
Is it likely that men who forsook the shelter of their own fortress will ever face us in fair field on level ground?
I do not like high places, and I felt, while on the top, I would give a handsome sum just to be safe on level ground again.
There is scarcely an acre of level ground upon it except one little spot which does duty as a race-course, and is not level either by any means.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "level ground" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.