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Example sentences for "entirely devoted"

  • They are, again, entirely devoted to the foremost of Beings, viz.

  • Dearer even than those persons is one that is entirely devoted to him.

  • Before any of your letters of introduction what I wish most is that you don’t forget me and that you honour me of your friendship.

  • It is therefore impossible that he who is entirely devoted to the pure contemplation of the intelligible should simultaneously remember the things that formerly happened to him here below.

  • But, dear friend, if you ever need me you know that I am entirely devoted to you.

  • But Monsieur le Prince is to set out for the army; he is entirely devoted to the cardinal.

  • I know an inn, little frequented, but of which the host is entirely devoted to me.

  • To be entirely devoted to you, and to obey you in all things," which instructions she seemed to find no difficulty in obeying.

  • Indeed, the small amount of news that we had received represented Paris as entirely devoted to his Majesty, and ready to defend itself against any attacks.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entirely devoted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another country; being willing; books should; curse thee; double action; drawn butter; entirely absent; entirely devoted; entirely different; entirely independent; entirely new; entirely wanting; faithful friend; great national; high heaven; little open; medical inspection; much snow; perfectly splendid; plate glass; quarter past; retrospective view; seventy pounds; small numbers; strengthen their; used for