He found it in the lepra cells in the skin, lymph glands, liver, spleen, and thickened parts of the nerves.
Lepra tuberculosa is that form of the disease affecting chiefly the skin, and resulting in nodular tuberculated growth or a diffuse infiltration.
These parts become crooked, the bone tissues are involved, the phalanges dropping off or disappearing by disintegration or absorption (lepra mutilans).
Several of the authors quoted above, divide the species Lepra into four modifications or varieties: the Lepra Leonina, Lepra Elephantia, Lepra Alopecia, and Lepra Tyria.
Injections of Nastin together with Benzoyl Chloride directly act on the lepra bacilli.
Note: The term lepra was formerly given to various skin diseases, the leprosy of modern authors being Lepra Arabum.
Note: The disease now called leprosy, also designated asLepra or Lepra Arabum, and Elephantiasis Græcorum, is not the same as the leprosy of the ancients.
The Leprosy of the Middle Ages known as Elephantiasis Græcorum, Lepra Arabum, and Lepra tuberculosis, is not yet extinct.
It is very curious that whilstLepra Arabum is the same as Elephantiasis Græcorum or true Leprosy, the Elephantiasis Arabum is a totally distinct disease.
The rose burdock--lappa rosea--they give in cases of lepra icthyosis, and it has succeeded where other remedies had failed.
Besides Lepraand Psoriasis, it is found useful in Eczema, Impetigo, and Lupus.
At all events, Lepra and Psoriasis are true blood diseases, and are often inherited.
The true squamous disorders are Lepra vulgaris and Psoriasis vulgaris.
The case is the same with Scrofula and Iodine; with Lepra and Arsenic.
And it is able to counteract a number of disorders, as Lepra and Impetigo, which are assumed to depend upon morbid actions in the blood.
Tincture of Cantharides and Acetate of Potash, both diuretics, have been employed in Lepra to eliminate the materies morbi from the blood into the urine, and have sometimes appeared to succeed in so doing.
In the cure of Lepra the mineral waters of Harrowgate and other places, containing Sulphuretted Hydrogen gas, have been much recommended.
I need scarcely say that these remedies are applicable only in simple Lepra and Psoriasis, and not in the syphilitic forms of those eruptions, which are treated best by Mercury, or by other medicines of the second order of Catalytics.
Amongst the Greeks Leprawas a generic synonyme of Berat or Beras.
Some patients will remember that these symptoms preceded for years the earliest outbreak of lepra (leprosy).