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Example sentences for "safe from"

  • Safe from temptation, safe from sin's pollution, She lives whom we call dead.

  • He that respects himself is safe from others; He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

  • The Grand Fleet has its usual comforts; it is safe from submarines in a quiet harbour.

  • Except a miracle happened, the steaming fleet, with its cordons of destroyers, is as safe from him as from any other kind of fish.

  • If everybody is asleep in the château, so much the better; we shall be safe from curiosity.

  • Then, as the other troopers were now before and behind them, Jean Oullier, safe from observation, put his mouth close to the ear of the one behind whom he was mounted.

  • Trigaud and Courte-Joie were scarcely fifty steps from a hedge beyond which they would be safe from horsemen; and as for the foot-soldiers, they appeared to have relinquished their pursuit.

  • As far as their light reaches, so far, in the belief of the peasants, the fields will be fruitful, and the houses on which they shine will be safe from conflagration or sickness.

  • It is a common saying that seven bonfires should be seen if the village is to be safe from conflagrations.

  • She must have some corner where she would be safe from intrusion.

  • None but one can harm you, None but yourself who are your greatest foe, He that respects himself is safe from others, He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

  • When, next year perhaps, you visit Paris, you will be safe from my officious interference!

  • Whatever her birth, I must be glad to know that she whom Lionel so loves is safe from a wretch like Losely.

  • She is safe from all, save the wanton, unprofitable effort to disgrace her.

  • Let me stay here and live with you, and be safe from my baby sister, who is a witch and has iron teeth.

  • And may I live with you and be safe from my sister, who is a witch, and has iron teeth, and grows like a seed of corn?

  • And may I live with you and be safe from my sister, who is a witch, and grows like a seed of corn, and has iron teeth?

  • Here, safe from detection, I am still doing my duty.

  • His grace, his mercy, and his powerful hand Will keep us safe from hurt by sea and land.

  • I at once bethought me, if we could reach it we might be safe from pursuit, and remain there until the slave-hunters had passed by.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "safe from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about five; beside him; borne along; certain insects; cried excitedly; divine influence; easy culture; given thing; her present; instruct them; made love; other wise; papal legate; ready for; safe anchorage; safe conduct; safe custody; safe distance; safe enough; safe from; safe return; safety first; safety lamp; safety valve; various degrees; water supply