The provision as to Provincial Legislatures make it still more complicated.
The Provincial Governments administer, under the general supervision of the Central Government, without being responsible to the Local Legislatures in any way.
In those days, legislatures held the unquestioned power to abolish slavery in their respective States, but now it is becoming quite fashionable for State constitutions to withhold that power from the legislatures.
They saw to it that if any laws concerning them had to be made by the State Legislatures or by Congress, their agents in those bodies should make them.
Legislatures existed simply to do the bidding of Big Business, was the creed of the men who controlled Big Business.
The increasing introduction of the referendum into the local political organization is partly a recognition of the fact that the legislatures have ceased to play an independent part in the work of government.
It is subject, also, to any conditions which the legislatures of other states may wish to impose upon its business,--in so far as that business is transacted within their jurisdictions.
American legislatures have betrayed the interests of their constituents, and have been systematically passing laws for the benefit of corrupt and special interests.
Finally, if the legislatures of the several states have ever done anything to increase respect for the wisdom and conservatism of American representative government, it is certainly hard to discover indications thereof.
American state legislatureshave really never had a fair opportunity.
The legislatures have been corrupt and incapable, chiefly because they have not been permitted any sufficient responsibility, but this irresponsibility itself has had more than one cause.
Their basis consists of the old property tax, which under its application to modern conditions has become both unjust and unproductive, but which the state legislatures seem to be wholly incapable of either abandoning or properly transforming.
Our legislatureswere and still are the strongholds of special and local interests, and anything which undermines executive authority in this country seriously threatens our national integrity and balance.
Early in the nineteenth century, the legislatures were granted almost full legislative powers; and if they did not use those powers well, they used them much better than at a later period.
The legislatures of many American states and municipalities have already shown a disposition to aid the labor unions in certain indirect ways.
The members of their legislatures cannot avoid doing either, so often as the time arrives, without a direct violation of their duty and their oaths; such a violation as would break up any other government.
Sir, these proceedings of the legislatures were introduced into this Protest for the very purpose, and no other, of showing that members of the Senate have acted contrary to the will of their constituents.
The usages of Parliament, the practice in our State legislatures and assemblies, both before and since the Revolution, and precedents in the Senate itself, fully maintain this right.
Two legislatures existed at the same time, both claiming power to pass laws.
I have always thought that the Constitution addressed itself to the legislatures of the States or to the States themselves.
This was the mode of proceeding in those States where their legislatures were dissolved.
Sir, I deny this power of State legislatures altogether.
It is of no moment to the argument, that certain acts of the State legislatures are necessary to fill our seats in this body.
All the members of all the State legislatures are as religiously bound to support the Constitution of the United States as they are to support their own State constitution.
Legislation concerning the formal requirements and solemnizations of marriage is still within the exclusive authority of the legislatures of the Provinces.
Several state legislatures passed resolutions stating that the Federal Government did not have the power to prohibit segregation.
When ratified by theLegislatures of three fourths of the several States.
The Constitution declares that an Amendment shall become to all intents and purposes a part of the Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the States.
I may be wrong, but I have an idea that when the people of this country learn how their legislatures are conducted they will want to change things.
State legislatures were emboldened to pass mischievous and restrictive laws, and much of my time began to be occupied in inducing, by various means, our courts to declare these unconstitutional.
Too long had the Northeastern Railroads elected, for their own selfish ends, governors and legislatures and controlled railroad commissions The spirit of 1776 was abroad in the land.
The darned fools in the legislatures try it occasionally, but we all know it's a sop to the 'common people.
Therefore the territorial legislatures might pass laws until they were dumb, and yet their settlers might bring with them all the slaves they pleased.
At the same time the coloniallegislatures promptly approved and agreed to sustain the acts of the Continental Congress.
The demagogues and opportunists in Legislatures are, too.
It is very generally the case that the States do not hold their legislatures and carry on their government at their chief towns.
I need hardly say that the laws in the different States may be as various as the different legislatures may choose to make them.
Nothing has struck me so much in America as the fact that these State legislatures are puny powers.
It is, I presume, generally known that the members of the Congress at Washington are all paid, and that the same is the case with reference to the legislatures of all the States.
Then the legislatures of the several states enacted laws and Statutes, closing the pages of every book printed to the eyes of Negroes; barring the doors of every school-room against them!
Besides, legislatures never pass laws forbidding the education of pigs, dogs, and horses.
It was only necessary for thirteen Legislatures to hold out against ratification to prevent the adoption of the amendment and those of the nine southeastern States from Maryland to Louisiana were certain to do this.
Congress had not this authority but a two-thirds majority of each House was necessary to send it to the 48 Legislatures for final decision.
Congress; bills were passed by ten Legislatures and received record-breaking votes in seven others, and for the second time in history there has been a favorable report from the Woman Suffrage Committee of the U.
An amendment was introduced into theLegislatures of eight others.
When once an amendment to the Federal Constitution is passed and ratified by three-fourths of the Legislatures it becomes a part of the Constitution and is fixed for all time.
The Judiciary refused to turn over the amendment resolution to the new Committee but amended it by limiting to seven years the time in which the Legislatures could ratify it, and reported it "without recommendation" on December 11.
Is it not good political tactics to proceed along the lines of least resistance and bring our energies to bear upon Legislatures for the measure most potent and at the same time most easily procured?
Such memorials ought to be addressed to the Legislatures of all the States.
I mean those who debauch courts andlegislatures and elections-- those who make millions by legal fraud.
The man who wants courts and legislatures to force a woman to live with him is a monster.
In 1789 the Nationalists were much stronger in the Legislatures of the other States than they had been in the preceding year.
If the Legislature of Virginia had gone so far before the infant National establishment was under way, how far might not succeeding Legislatures go?
Exertions will be made to engage two thirds of the legislatures in the task of regularly undermining the government" was Madison's "hint" to Hamilton.
Mercer County, Kentucky, denounced Senator Humphrey Marshall for voting for ratification and demanded a constitutional amendment empowering State Legislatures to recall Senators at will.
The Anti-Nationalists put forth all their strength to send to the State Legislatures and to the National House and Senate as many antagonists of the National idea as possible.
But the Federalist newspapers gave Henry no credit for turning the tide; according to these partisan sheets it was the "anarchistic" action of the Kentucky and Virginia Legislatures that elected Marshall.
The legislatures which I served in were the 23d and 24th.
The lists of members as published in the Journals of the legislatures do not indicate the race.
By the second section of the same act the Governor was to transmit copies of it to the Governors of other States, "with a request that they communicate the same to the Legislatures of their respective States.
In every State for a number of years the large organizations of women have made a determined effort to obtain better laws for women and children and Legislatures have yielded to pressure.
Between the two Legislatures the State Woman Suffrage Association was formed and its influence was immediately felt in political circles.
All effort was to be concentrated on the bill, which, with variations, the State association had had before most of the Legislatures since 1893.
The resolution to submit the amendment had passed two Legislatures and was to go to the voters at a special election Oct.
After it had been sent to the Legislatures for ratification in June, 1919, pressure was brought to bear on Governor Emerson C.
The submission of the Federal Woman Suffrage Amendment to the Legislatures by Congress seemed near and at the request of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the national president, a Ratification Committee was formed in December.
The resolution had to pass two Legislatures and in July, 1914, the Republican State convention strongly urged the next one to pass it.
The Federal Suffrage Amendment had been submitted by Congress to the Legislatures in June and the vital question now was ratification.
By March 35 Legislatures had ratified and only a group of three or four States held out any hope of the 36th and final ratification, of which Connecticut was one.
Mrs. Stanislawsky had removed to California and the organization, with the long wait between Legislatures and no definite work, had but a small membership, no county organizations and no funds.
Legislatures refused to submit a woman suffrage amendment to the voters on the plea that a new constitution would soon be in force.
The Democrats were in control of the twoLegislatures that rejected it and also of the one that passed it.
The other ten promptly and defiantly rejected it by an average majority in their State legislatures of more than fifty to one.
Democratic legislatures have not been fortunate in Ohio.
The people of Ohio have never been willing to venture on the experiment of two Democratic legislatures in succession.
With the nation and the state urging farmers and food producers to make every exertion to increase the food supply, legislatures must render assistance in solving the labor-shortage problem.
Legislatures will pass or amend laws permitting absences from school for industrial and farm service.
And when suits were brought by domestic or foreign creditors, statelegislatures simply declined to pay and claimed immunity from federal pressure under the Eleventh Amendment to the National Constitution.
The legislatures of Pennsylvania and New York, where his flag had flown triumphantly for years, denounced him and planned to issue bonds for the relief of the people.
Legislatures met annually and unpopular men or measures could be promptly recalled, to employ a modern term.
But after the election of 1828 these same legislatures refused to concur in the doctrines of nullification which South Carolina submitted to them.
In those days 'Legislatures held the unquestioned power to abolish slavery in their respective States; but now it is becoming quite fashionable for State Constitutions to withhold that power from the Legislatures.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legislatures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.