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Example sentences for "royal authority"

  • Thus, with a House of Lords on the side of royal authority, and with a House of Commons diminished in numbers and in influence, the decline of the independent attitude of Parliament was inevitable.

  • To change the religion of a country, even when seconded by a party, is one of the most perilous enterprises which any sovereign can attempt, and often proves the most destructive to royal authority.

  • This promotion of a man merely for his opposition to royal authority, roused the indignation of the king; and he resolved to make the innocent person feel the effects of his resentment.

  • He flattered himself, that his condescension in employing that disguise would satisfy the people, and that no one would dare to render himself obnoxious to royal authority, by refusing any payment required of him in this manner.

  • Chiefly through the instrumentality of King William, these penal laws against the Quakers were abrogated by royal authority, and that sect became an important element in American society during the eighteenth century.

  • In that event, however, the militia were in open and armed rebellion against the royal authority, and were the actual aggressors.

  • His first fair promises to the people were broken, and, supported by royal authority, he assumed a dignity and importance almost equal to his master's, thoroughly disgusting the colonists.

  • Catherine's policy, always in favor of royal authority, may have been fostered by such scenes, which an Italian girl of nine could not fail to understand.

  • Soldiers and judges, they obeyed a Royal authority.

  • How difficult is it, when immorality has been encouraged by royal authority, to turn the tide or to stem the torrent.

  • And as it was plainly impossible for him to find among his Protestant subjects a set of men more devoted to royal authority, it was universally concluded, that he intended thenceforth to govern entirely without parliaments.

  • The parliament met soon after, and gave the sanction of law to those regulations made by royal authority; as well as appointed commissioners for deciding all such questions of property as might arise from the fire.

  • The duke makes no mention of any design to render the king absolute; but that was no doubt implied in the other project, which was to be effected entirely by royal authority.

  • He agreed to confirm anew the provisions of Oxford, even those which entirely annihilated the royal authority; and the barons were again reinstated in the sovereignty of the kingdom.

  • Transmission by formal act or conveyance to an heir or successor; transference; especially, the transfer or transmission of the crown or royal authority to a successor.

  • Like Whitgift, he made the church dependent on royal authority, and in this he was far removed from the earlier churchmen.

  • Immediately following, as if to put it under the shelter of royal authority, is the report of the council, without date or signature, that the oath had been offered to Baltimore and refused.

  • Captain Whitbourne's pamphlet on Newfoundland was just then circulating gratuitously by the aid of collections made in the churches with the sanction of royal authority.

  • The barons, in return for their submission, exacted terms still more destructive of public peace, as well as of royal authority.

  • By an injunction set forth by royal authority, A.

  • The control of legislation was also given to the Commissioners, who were to see various Acts for the establishment of royal authority in Church and State duly passed.

  • But Christopher Bodkin, who had been preferred to Kilmacduagh at the King's request, was translated purely by royal authority to Tuam.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "royal authority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after the; commanded them; common carrier; double refraction; first appearance; free from; nine tails; royal arms; royal authority; royal blood; royal mistress; royal power; royal priesthood; royal prince; royal proclamation; royal residence; royal sage; royal salute; royal standard; royal treasurer; royal treasury; rural schools; somewhat curved; toasted cheese; when they were come; written constitution