Why, as to that," replied Biondello, "would thou hadst relished the lampreys of Messer Corso as much!
Roger, son of Nicholas, promised all the lampreys he could get, to have the king's request to Earl William Marshall, that he would grant him the manor of Langeford at Firm.
Sir, you feed yourlampreys well," said Pomponius Flaccus, "in your Vesuvian villa.
I can, with the strictest accuracy, establish the statement that no human being ever died merely and simply in order that my lampreys should grow fat and luscious.
In what is the man whom the lampreys devour better than the lampreys?
The Monorhinae include only the Cyclostomata--the lampreysand hag-fishes.
The next lowest group of living fishes is the Marsipobranchii which include the lampreysand hag-fishes.
In thelampreys the single olfactory tube ends blindly, while in the hag-fishes it opens into the pharynx.
Vidius Pollio fed his lampreys with the bodies of his human chattels.
In Lampreysthe trabeculae grow forwards and send up plates of cartilage which meet above (fig.
In a few animals, such as Lampreys and Ornithorhynchus, the jaws bear horny tooth-like structures of epidermal origin.
In Lampreys a labial suctorial apparatus is well developed, including a large ring-like piece of cartilage (fig.
The branchial basket in Lampreys forms at its posterior end a kind of cup which supports the pericardium (fig.
In Lampreys the olfactory organ opens merely by a short membranous passage.
Among the cyclostoma ("round-mouthed") the familiar lampreys are particularly interesting.
The Lampreys feed on worms, molluscs and small Fishes.
The Sharks, like the Raias, have their mouth furnished with jaws, and for this reason they are classified in the same group of Cartilaginous Fishes, as distinct from the Lampreys and the Sturgeons.
Every year, usually about the beginning of the spring, the Lampreys leave the sea, where they usually make their home, and make holes or nests in the gravelly bottoms of rivers.
The Eels belong to the family of bony Fishes, although the Lampreys which they resemble in general appearance, belong to the family of Fishes whose framework is made up of cartilage, or gristle.
The habenular ganglia are unusually large in the lampreys and are here strongly asymmetrical, the right being the larger.
The cerebellum occurs in its simplest form in lampreys and Dipnoans (fig.
By his researches into the anatomy of the lampreys and Amphioxus, their typical distinctness from other cartilaginous fishes was proved; they became the types of two other subclasses, Cyclostomi and Leptocardii.
Pollio, Vedius Pollio, who fed his lampreys with human flesh.
Lampreys live on small crustaceans, worms, and so forth, eat carrion, and also attack living fishes.
In ancient Rome the big sea lampreys of the Mediterranean were eaten as a delicacy, and even cultivated in landlocked ponds, and they are still highly prized in some parts of Europe.
Lampreys ascend the rivers to spawn, however, and there make little heaps of pebbles, carried and piled with the mouth, in which the eggs find some protection from the many egg-eaters in all streams.
A girl who now speaks for the first and last time retorts upon this one that very likely "the men" are sick of her hair, and does she pretend that she has tasted lampreys and ortolans .
And there is much to be said in favour of the same promotion of the Cyclostomata, or Lampreys and Hags.
It should not be forgotten that the development of the Lampreys exhibits curious points of resemblance with that of the Amphibia, which are absent in the Sharks and Rays.
The development of lampreys has received much attention on the part of naturalists, since Aug.
The lampreys may be considered as the type of this family.
Dorion, in his treatise on Fishes, says that the river lampreys have only one spine, like the kind of cod which is called gallarias.
But Andreas, in his treatise on Poisonous Animals, says that those lampreys which are produced by a cross with the Viper have a poisonous bite, and that that kind is less round than the other, and is variegated.
All lampreys attach themselves to other fishes, as parasites, by means of the suckerlike mouth.
The smaller river lampreys mostly belong to the genus Ammocoeles, or Lampetra, as A.
The lampreys have a round, sucking mouth, without jaws, but set with numerous minute teeth, and one to three larger teeth on the palate (see Illust.
The lampreys are so called because they attach themselves with their circular mouths to rocks and stones, whence they are also called rocksuckers.
The lampreys are amongst those vertebrates in which there is an eye-like apparatus (3) connected with the roof of the thalamencephalon.
The Myxinoids differ from the lampreys in regard to several of the above-mentioned characters.
In the case of the lampreys the elastic skeleton of the branchial region (see below) plays an important part in respiration.
As a further consequence in the case of the lampreys the olfactory organ becomes transported to the roof of the head along with the pituitary opening, which latter functions as an external nostril.
The anterior end of the nervous tube is enlarged and differentiated to form a brain as in other Vertebrates, but this brain in the lampreys at least shows remarkably primitive features.
The Myxinoids retain the ancestral marine habitat, but the lampreys have sought refuge from the struggle for existence by taking to fresh water to a less or greater extent.
In the lampreys there are only two instead of the normal three, while the Myxinoids have only one.
Atlantic coasts and the two fresh-water lampreys of European streams (P.
The lake lampreys show a reminiscence of their ancestral migratory habits in leaving lakes and ascending streams in order to deposit their spawn.
In North America nine or ten species of lampreys are known to occur, descriptions of which are given by Jordan and Evermann (1).
In Myxinoids the brain is much larger as compared with the spinal cord, and it differs from that of the lampreys by being relatively much shorter in an anteroposterior direction.
On the 8th of May, chancing to cross a small stream, I saw a number of Lampreys in the act of spawning, and remembering the queries of your correspondent, I stood to watch their motions.
But a very careful and long continued examination of the spawning of minnows and lampreys (I have never been able closely to examine the spawning of Salmon), convinces me that it is not a correct one.
Nor indeed is any ancestry even hypothetically known for them, for the doubtful Lampreys of the Cambrian Silurian are too remote and uncertain to be used in that way.
The largest sea-lampreys reach a length of three feet.
The lampreys and hags are easily distinguished from the true fishes by their sucking mouth without jaws, their single median nostril, their eel-like shape and lack of lateral appendages or paired fins.
The next class of fish-like animals is that of the lampreys (fig.
The sea- and lake-lampreys ascend small fresh-water streams when ready to lay their eggs, few living to return.
The bony or true fishes are distinguished from the lampreysand sharks and rays by having in general the skeleton bony, not cartilaginous, the skull provided with membrane bones, and the eggs small and many.
And," said Cavalcanti, "I know that Lake Fusaro alone supplies lampreys of that size.
The latter, faithful to the principle of Horace, nil admirari, had contented himself with showing his knowledge by declaring in what lake the best lampreys were caught.
Next we examined the result of our sport, which had been laid out in front of the place, and took back as many of the lampreys and crabs as we could eat with us, and sent some of the lampreys to his Highness the duke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lampreys" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.