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Example sentences for "lampooned"

Lexicographically close words:
lamplight; lamplighter; lamplighters; lamplit; lampoon; lampooning; lampoons; lamppost; lamprey; lampreys
  1. They lampooned all things human and divine; the whip and the gallows liberally applied availed naught to check the popular licence.

  2. And he had lampooned the Pope to boot--in itself the unpardonable sin.

  3. He lampooned the great Scipio in some spirited verses still extant, and doubtless made many others feel the shafts of his ridicule.

  4. He took a keen interest in politics, and brought himself into trouble by the freedom with which he lampooned some of the leading families.

  5. His exact date is uncertain, but he is known to have lampooned both Julius and Augustus Caesar, [94] and perhaps lived to find himself the sole representative of the earlier race of poets.

  6. The two lampooned citizens came with threats of libel, and went away incensed at my insignificance.

  7. Then I lampooned two prominent citizens outrageously--not because they had done anything to deserve, but merely because I thought it was my duty to make the paper lively.

  8. Certainly he lampooned the Duke, and he was never weary of writing insultingly about the other.

  9. He was a looker-on in the legislative halls, and right merrily he lampooned everything he saw.

  10. These occurrences tended to lower both Chartists and Protectionists in public estimation, as various witty publications lampooned the prominent actors, and exposed them to overwhelming ridicule.

  11. Notwithstanding the intimacy which in consequence subsisted between Caesar and his father, Catullus lampooned the former on more than one occasion.

  12. He opposed the canal, he ridiculed its champion, and he lampooned its supporters; yet he now swallowed the prejudices of a lifetime and indorsed the man he had formerly despised.

  13. He struggled against him, intrigued against him, and finally hated and lampooned him, but the superiority of Van Buren's talents as a managing politician was destined to make him pre-eminent in the State and in the nation.

  14. The former was not only the idol, but the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the decalogue to many of Field's Mugwump friends whom he cherished personally, but detested and lampooned politically.

  15. Then I lampooned two prominent citizens outrageously--not because they had done anything to deserve it, but merely because I thought it was my duty to make the paper lively.

  16. Hence he lampooned them with great severity, in consequence of which he was pretty well lampooned in his turn.

  17. He lampooned the Prince Regent; yet he could not alienate the Tories.

  18. A law was passed, and a penalty enforced, forbidding any one to be lampooned in scurrilous verses.

  19. But the most amusing personages were the buffoons: they mimicked and joked, and lampooned and lied, as if by inspiration.

  20. During a short time Jane was generally considered as a Whig, and was sharply lampooned by some of his old allies.

  21. He was lampooned by caricatures ** and placards; but they had little effect upon the great mass of the people, by whom he was admired and confided in.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lampooned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.