The yemen thanked them full curteously; And sayd, ‘To Rome streyghtwyll we wend, Of all the synnes that we have done To be assoyled of his hand.
Than spake Clym of the Clough, ‘Wyth a wyle we wyl us in bryng; Let us saye we be messengers, Streyghtcomen from our king.
And Lytel John was hole of the arowe That shot was in his kne, And dyd hym streyght to Robyn Hode, Under the grene wode tree.
We be two messengers,’ sayd Clim of the Clough, ‘Be comen streyght from our kyng.
By cokkis soule, nowe, I dare lay a swan That she comes nowe streyght fro Syr Johan; For ever whan she hath fatched of hym a lyk, Than she comes home, and sayth she is syk.
And of this thing ful sone his nedes leyde 135 On hem that sholden for the tretis go, And hem for Antenor ful ofte preyde To bringen hoom king Toas and Criseyde; And whan Pryam his save-garde sente, Thembassadours to Troye streyght they wente.
Then spake him Clym of the Clough, "Wyth a wyle we wyl us in bryng; 10 Let us saye we be messengers, Streyght comen from our king.
We be tow messengers," sayde Clim of the Clough, "Be comen streyght from our kyng.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "streyght" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.