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Example sentences for "kicking"

Lexicographically close words:
kick; kicke; kicked; kicker; kickers; kicks; kickshaws; kickt; kid; kidded
  1. Lord of Barra had been a kicking horse he had set himself to shoe; "stand back gin ye dinna want your pow cracked like a hazel-nut.

  2. Penniless," said I, and I began kicking off my boots lazily.

  3. Life is people who are strong kicking people who are weak out of their road--then going on with a laugh--a laugh loud enough to drown the groans.

  4. But when he demanded admittance in the usual way, by kicking the door, it became evident that there had been a reign of terror, and that the inmates of the dwelling were not sure that it was yet over.

  5. From babyhood she had been notorious for kicking her little legs out at the least speck of dust upon a tiny red shoe.

  6. They tell me that Job is still alive and kicking over in your parts.

  7. Rose, seizing the kicking feet and holding them fast.

  8. Rose looked sharply about for a minute, then made a pounce, and from under the bed dragged a small kicking heap.

  9. Yes," said Lapham, wheeling round in his swivel-chair and kicking another towards Corey.

  10. Lapham thought with shame that it was he who ought to have done that; but no one seemed to notice, and he sat down again gladly, after kicking out one of his legs which had gone to sleep.

  11. You trapped him into marrying you, with your kicking and your comic songs, and your tricks of the stage, and you parted us--parted him and me for ever.

  12. Then he wants kicking for waking us up like this.

  13. I remember Pierre kicking him once, and he kicked back and nearly broke the man's leg.

  14. Green also felt like kicking him, just as he often felt like kicking every single human being on this planet.

  15. Doubtless the violent strain to which the chain had been subjected by El Sabio's kicking and plunging had loosened the fastenings, centuries old, which held it to the rock; for the chain had not broken, but had come away entire.

  16. Scatterbrain's lads look mighty shy when they know the Eganites are kicking their heels to 'Moll in the Wad,' while they haven't a lilt to shake their bones to?

  17. Augusta, kicking at the door, "let me out!

  18. They judged he was not dead, however, from the warmth of the body; but that he should still sleep seemed astonishing, considering the quantity of shaking and kicking they gave him.

  19. While the various members of his family were thwarting each other, his master-mischief was thwarting them all; like some wicked giant looking down on a squabble of dwarfs, and ending the fight by kicking them all right and left.

  20. I cleared away the snow from one end, kicking it with my boots, and then, when I had buttoned my fur coat around me, I crawled into the log with my gun.

  21. Kicking and scrambling his way out of the snow bank, Nicknack climbed up the hill again.

  22. Take care where you tread, for otherwise you will be tumbling into one of these bags of dates, or kicking against a skin of wine.

  23. That this was the case was quickly evident, for, finding that his first efforts to dislodge his rider were unsuccessful, the pony went off at a furious gallop, kicking his legs high in the air as he did so.

  24. That being the case, I must float across, propelling myself by kicking out with my legs beneath the surface.

  25. And the last thing the Urchin said that night as he fell asleep was, "Mokey kicking the grass away.

  26. She must have lifted it and wriggled under .

  27. It is possible that we might deal," Laverick remarked, kicking the revolver a little further away.

  28. I shall take the liberty, also," remarked Bellamy, "of kicking Henri out.

  29. They are peculiarly offensive, studies of bare-legged children howling and kicking in volumes of smoke" (Modern Painters, vol.

  30. The magnificent stallions with their powerful forms pass before us at a trot, kicking up the dust under their feet.

  31. In the midst of this woful assembly I observed a little boy who was grinning furtively, kicking his heels, and sliding bits of apple from his pocket into his mouth.

  32. But this doesn't look like snow, Serge," said the boy, kicking up the icy particles.

  33. Captain, kicking vainly at the wrathful bird, and at the same time beating a wise retreat before his onset.

  34. We'll get 'em moving after a bit," said his master, soothing the kicking beast.

  35. As the tree burned away it was pushed further into the fireplace, and a roaring fire could always be got by kicking pieces of the smouldering wood and blowing them into flame with the bellows.

  36. Mr. Janney rose, kicking his trouser legs into shape, Miss Maitland gathered up the papers, and Mrs. Janney went to the top of the steps.

  37. There I was left, lolling back and forth on the sill, kicking with my toes on the floor, and wondering what my poor, deserted boy was doing in town.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kicking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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