The direction in which the plectra of each row of jacks should be pointing is not known.
The jack rail, also shown in figure 4, extends over the jacks 1-1/8" above the soundboard.
The keys do not drop far enough to touch the key frame, but instead are stopped by the jacks striking the jack rail.
Of course it is understood that both types of virginals as well as the spinet and the harpsichord were keyed chordophones employing the plucking action of jacks and plectra.
The jacks presently in this virginal, not being original, will not be described.
Turning these jacks around does not alter the order of direction.
It serves not only to prevent the jacks from flying out during play but also to terminate the downward fall of the fronts of the keys.
Two clavicytheria having two registers of strings and a single row of double tongue jacks have been examined by the author.
Each of these jacks has two plectra, one pointing to the right and one to the left.
Two unison strings per key and two registers of jacks are provided.
For a fleeting second Moncrossen glared into his eyes, and without a word, turned and led the way, closely followed by Bill and Jeanne, while the crowd of wondering lumber-jacks brought up the rear.
The two lumber-jacks who stood almost at his side turned at the sound of his voice.
With a roar of anger Bill seized a heavy split log bench, sending a couple of lumber-jacks tumbling among the feet of their fellows, and whirling it high above his head, drove it crashing through the door.
The story of the jacks may be given afterwards in the history lessons.
As an introduction the teacher should review the flag of each country in the Union, referring also to the Union Jacks of James and of Anne.
She transferred the flap-jacks from the pan to a plate, and, putting them in the ashes to keep hot, arose and came to Clare with extended hand.
Mary made no comment on the situation, but continued gravely frying the flap-jacks to a delicate golden shade.
Do you think Flap-Jacks would help any one out in propriety?
Such things jar on other people just as Flap-Jacks and the dish-cloth jar on you.
Could I ever teach Flap-Jacks to quit scratching her head in the presence of ladies and gentlemen?
These figures were called "jacks o' the clock" or "jacquemarts" and curious specimens of them are still in existence.
But I shall stand between you so that you cannot use your sword nor these Jacks their clubs and bills.
The Jacks in France were very near overturning a kingdom.
Arnold Jacks launched into frank gaiety, and Irene met him with spirit.
Fortunately; for John Jacks seemed unfeignedly glad to see him, and talked with him in private for half an hour after the observances of the drawing-room, where Mrs. Jacks had been very sweetly proper and properly sweet.
Only when it was too late did Piers remember that Mr. Jacks possibly had a private opinion about Jerome Otway's elder sons.
The greeting was cordial, the voice cheery as ever, but as Mr. Jacks rose he had more of the appearance of old age than Piers had yet seen in him; he seemed to stand with some difficulty, his face betokening a body ill at ease.
As they entered the dining-room, there appeared a young man whom Mr. Jacks greeted warmly.
It struck her as odd that Arnold Jacksshould request her services in such a matter as this.
It's the sort of dope these crazy forest-jacks are ready to swallow the same as if it was Rye.
And if you've a spare moment to talk other things, you might say that the boys of my camp are mighty hard put to get the stuff, and they're as tough a gang of jacks as ever heard tell of the dog's life of the forest.
Then, when the machine guns had been silenced, they had witnessed the rage with which these hard-living jacks had meted out their ideas of just punishment upon the murderers of their comrades.
I've heerd the jacks are on the buck in parts, but that ain't their play.
There's jacksquitting and pulling out, and nobody seems to know how they're getting, seeing it's winter.
The jacks out that way are up to the neck in a hell of a good time, sure.
It was an easy play dealing with the fool forest-jacks who'd swallowed the Skandinavia's dope.
They got the sort of lumber the jacks dream about when they got their bellies full on a Saturday night, and they're going to wake up to find it Sunday mornin'.
You see, these jacks come from nowhere particular.
He's killed more fool lumber-jacks than you could count on the fingers of two hands.
Day after pay-day occasionally, or when the lumber-jacks come down from Raegan camp at Christmas time to get their money and blow it in before New Year's.
Signals, ensigns, and jacks of all colours were flying from her rigging, on every side.
These jacks were controlled by a series of valves, which were so designed that any one jack or any set of jacks desired could be operated.
When it was desired to alter the direction of the shield, either upwards or downwards, or to the right or left, the jacks on the opposite side to which the shield was to point, were operated.
When sufficient excavation has been taken out, thejacks are again extended, thus pushing the shield ahead, and another ring of iron is erected as before.
Should I encourage clever Jack, and, what is worse, a thousand Jacks who are not clever, to enter upon this vocation, what will editors say to me?
Steeple jacks attracted crowds by their perilous antics, in order to start the bidding for subscriptions.
All these depots involved enormous building operations; at first the lumber was shipped, but later, American lumber jacks were brought over to cut French forests.
In days past sounds far less innocent, ribald language and loud oaths, may have been heard within those walls, for as a rule the sturdy lumber jacks are the roughest kind of men, as hard as some of the knots they strike with their axes.
Look over the top of that clump of brush, you'll see the flat roof of a long log shanty, which must be the bunk-house of the lumber jacks in the days when they spent a winter here chopping.
Meanwhile the China Cat, the Talking Doll and some of the Jumping Jacks were hurrying up the basement steps much faster than they had gone down.
He's one of those funny, pop-up Jacks in a Box, and he's always trying to fool some one.
China Cat sprang one of the queer Jacks that have such a sudden way of appearing.
She would not, for anything, have peeped out of the windows, in perfectly proper curiosity, to watch the Bottle River jacks flounder into town.
It was an awkward moment: but the jacks were by this time used to being bidden by this man who was a man, and the rush was forthwith halted.
But his horse was standing among the horses in front of the Jacks Up Saloon.
Loudon rode across the street and dismounted behind a freighter's wagon near the Chicago Store, where he could not be observed from the windows of the Jacks Up.
Jacks as you come before authority with your hats on?
If those jacks were the kind that would play traitor to the camp they were working for, they would double cross Barrows to save their own skins.
On their return to the camp they were greeted by several of the jackswho had not yet gone to bed.
I am scaling on the Boone cutting a few miles from here, and the chaps who attacked me were, until a few days ago, lumber jacks employed on the cutting.
One of those jacks hit me on the head with a club, and I guess I just got groggy.
I can probably beat you at jacks when I get back, I practice so much.
I play jacks every day now, and think of America and nice 'things like that.
I found some jacks but no ball, so I thought I would go down to a near-by shop, and buy one.
Maria's flap-jacks had materialised and of all light, puffy, golden delicacies they were the best.
When supper was announced, Maria informed the family that she hadn't been able to manage the flap-jacks that night.
All sorts of ridiculous suggestions were made, and the boys offered jumping-jacks and comical toys to the two spenders.
We'll eat inside to-night, and Maria will make us some of her good flap-jacks for supper.
But note: A police officer looked at the cards the dead man had held and found them to be three jacks and two red sevens.
This gave extensive publicity to the "fatal hand"--the three jacks and two red sevens contrived by Edwards out of a small knowledge of poker and the cabala of cards.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jacks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.