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Example sentences for "iridectomy"

Lexicographically close words:
ire; ireful; irem; iren; irgend; irides; iridescence; iridescent; iridium; iring
  1. The iridectomy may be performed at a previous operation.

  2. If the iris betray any liability to prolapse after the operation, as shown by the drawing upwards of the pupil, an iridectomy should be performed before the patient leaves the table.

  3. On the other hand, an iridectomy would be unjustifiable for soft lens matter in the anterior chamber, which merely requires evacuation.

  4. The ordinary optical iridectomy divides the sphincter iridis and so inhibits the activity of the pupil.

  5. To do away with the blinding effects of light through a scar after iridectomy has been performed (see p.

  6. It is performed-- (i) Usually as a secondary operation when iridectomy has failed.

  7. The disadvantage of an iridectomy is that it allows more light to enter the eye, and, if the periphery of the lens be uncovered, spherical aberration may result.

  8. Avulsion is usually not complete and only results in a larger iridectomy than was intended.

  9. Iridectomy was performed, and after over sixty years of total blindness his sight was restored; color-perception was good.

  10. Berncastle mentions a case of extraction of double cataract and double iridectomy for occluded pupils, which, after thirty years of blindness, resulted in the recovery of good sight.

  11. In Elliot's cases the percentage of relapse was more noticeable than in the Lagrange cases where no iridectomy was done.

  12. In more than half the cases the usual iridectomy was performed; in 30 per cent the procedure was peripheral; in 4 per cent there was no iridectomy.

  13. Although Lagrange advocated iridectomy in all cases in his first communication, he no longer judges the procedure to be necessary in all instances, reserving it for cases in which for any reason, such as hypertension, prolapse is to be feared.

  14. Formerly I thought it was essential, if iridectomy was to be performed, lest some sudden movement on the part of the patient might bring the point of the knife in contact with the lens.

  15. As Elliot has pointed out, iridectomy is most open to attack on the ground of safety.

  16. Following this an iridectomy is performed.

  17. If tension is +1 to +3, do sclerotomy-iridectomy, the iridectomy being added to avoid entanglement of the iris.

  18. Reasons for believing that of the better known procedures simple iridectomy is the least effective, while those interventions producing a large, thin, scleral filtration-cicatrix are the most valuable.

  19. Wood has referred to several of the many substitutes for iridectomy that have been proposed, and it is unnecessary to enumerate them again or to attempt to point out their good or bad features.

  20. In cases where the patient has already lost an eye, Von Graefe thinks iridectomy should always precede extraction.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iridectomy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.