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Example sentences for "cuticle"

Lexicographically close words:
cutbank; cute; cuteness; cuter; cutest; cuticular; cution; cutis; cutlash; cutlass
  1. These secrete an oily liquid which keeps the hair and cuticle soft and pliable.

  2. The cuticle adheres to the nail around its entire circumference so that the covering over the dermis is complete.

  3. The cuticle or thin membrane covering the outer surface.

  4. The cuticle covering the scales of Reptiles is the simplest type of protective structure formed on the outer surface of the epidermis.

  5. They differ, however, from the more usual form of cuticle in their slighter adhesion to the subjacent epidermis, and in their more complicated structure.

  6. In the same class with this cuticle must be placed the molluscan and brachiopod shells, which are developed as cuticular plates on special regions of the epidermis.

  7. Amongst the Invertebrata the most widely distributed type of exoskeleton is a cuticle formed on the outer surface of the epidermis, which reaches its highest development in the Arthropoda.

  8. The hypodermis and cuticle form together a highly convex cornea, within which is a large optic chamber, the posterior wall of which is formed by the retina.

  9. The skin is deprived of its natural protector in this animal; the cuticle grows weak and dry.

  10. When the violence of the disorder has declined, the skin generally peels, the cuticle is cut off, and the hair is scurfy.

  11. When the fits are threatened, the stomach is either acutely inflamed, or in places actually sore, the cuticle being removed, and the surface raw.

  12. Nascent epidermis, or external cuticle of plants in a forming condition.

  13. The cuticle often contains siliceous granules, so that one species (E.

  14. A layer of cells forming a kind of cuticle inside of the proper cortical layer, or surrounding an individual fibrovascular bundle.

  15. The separation or shedding of the cuticle or epidermis in the form of flakes or scales; exfoliation, as of bones.

  16. We may imagine a case in which the primary radicle may be without a sheath, while its divisions shall have them, this depending on the want of adhesion of the cuticle over the original one.

  17. The frond of Ceterach is very frondose-looking, it has stomata on its under surface, and the cells of the cuticle very sinuate.

  18. If the cadet's cuticle escaped, however, the clothes, which his parents paid for, did not!

  19. A papular disease of the skin, of which intense itching is the chief symptom, the eruption scarcely differing from the healthy cuticle in color.

  20. A vesicle or an elevation of the cuticle with an inflamed base, containing pus.

  21. A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.

  22. The cuticle often contains siliceous granules, so that one species (E.

  23. To raise little bladders or blisters upon; to inflame and separate the cuticle of; to blister.

  24. An inner cellular layer which lies beneath the chitinous cuticle of arthropods, annelids, and some other invertebrates.

  25. Ring+ distinct from the stem, continuous with cuticle of pileus when young.

  26. Our specimen was 5 inches broad, and the margin slightly striate, and when the cuticle was removed it was purplish underneath.

  27. The cuticle breaks up into brownish scales, close near the centre, but sometimes wanting at the margin.

  28. The cuticle is sometimes covered with fibres, or with a bloom upon it (pruinose).

  29. The flesh had a whitish-brownish tinge where the cuticle was peeled off.

  30. The cuticle is covered with warts or scales.

  31. Naturally both cuticle and epidermis as a whole are most strongly developed in drought-adapted plants or xerophytes (q.

  32. The sclerenchyma forms a thick band just inside the strong cuticle below.

  33. Finally, these strands may separate from the bundles, and fuse below into a continuous layer under the epidermis; this occurs especially in leaves of xerophytes where the cuticle is well developed--e.

  34. Sclerenchyma in a continuous band just inside the thick cuticle below.

  35. After a few days an insanity supervened, which his friends mistook for delirium, and he gradually recovered, and the cuticle peeled off.

  36. On this day the inflammation was somewhat greater, and the cuticle rather elevated.

  37. So the distention or elongation of muscles by objects external to them irritates them into contraction, though the cuticle or other parts may intervene between the stimulating body and the contracting muscle.

  38. The body is covered with a horny cuticle and has an iridescent luster.

  39. The shell-valves arise as transverse thickenings of the dorsal cuticle behind the ciliated ring, the tegmentum being the first part formed.

  40. Elongated, cylindrical, rounded at both ends; thick cuticle with acicular spicules; radula polystichous or wanting.

  41. It differs from the other kinds in having a deep red cuticle of a close texture, and the color is more generally diffused through the ligneous part.

  42. This process must be performed with great nicety, for the cuticle contains a resinous matter, which imparts color and a disagreeable flavor to the fecula, which no subsequent treatment can remove.

  43. Pupation takes place in the autumn, and though the perfect insect emerges from the cuticle very soon afterwards, it remains in its underground cell for several months, not making its way to the upper air until the ensuing summer.

  44. They secrete a cuticle which never approaches in thickness the often calcified cuticle of Arthropods.

  45. The body wall consists of an epidermis which secretes a delicate cuticle and is only ciliated in Aeolosoma, and in that genus only on the under surface of the prostomium.

  46. Defn: A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.

  47. Defn: A papular disease of the skin, of which intense itching is the chief symptom, the eruption scarcely differing from the healthy cuticle in color.

  48. Defn: An inner cellular layer which lies beneath the chitinous cuticle of arthropods, annelids, and some other invertebrates.

  49. Defn: A vesicle or an elevation of the cuticle with an inflamed base, containing pus.

  50. Defn: To raise little bladders or blisters upon; to inflame and separate the cuticle of; to blister.

  51. On removing the blister, the cuticle and lymphatic effusion beneath are carefully scraped away, and from one-eighth to one-half of a grain of the powder dusted over the exposed cutis.

  52. The swelling is soon reduced, the cuticle is regenerated, and free motion of the finger returns gradually.

  53. If this takes place in the first stage of the disease, the redness gradually declines, along with the swelling, the cuticle exfoliates, and the part regains its usual appearance, the skin remaining loose and shrivelled.

  54. Fomentation and poultice are used till the swelling begins to disappear, and the discharge to diminish; and the hardened cuticle is removed, when detached.

  55. Their contents ought to be evacuated by a small puncture, and the cuticle being left carefully undisturbed, a scab soon forms, by which the part is protected while healing.

  56. The office of the cuticle is thus made evident: it is to shield the nerve filaments from direct contact with {184} external objects.

  57. Now, although the nerves of the cutis are the instruments by which impressions are received and transmitted to the brain, yet the cuticle is essential to the sensation of touch.

  58. These are appendages of the skin, and although very unlike the cuticle as it appears on the surface of the body, they are, in reality, modified forms of that layer of the skin.

  59. In the deeper cells of the cuticle lies a pigment, or coloring matter, consisting of minute colored grains.

  60. A portion of the sebaceous matter passes out upon the surface, and prevents the cuticle from becoming dry and hard.

  61. The nail grows from a fold of the cuticle at the root, and from the under surface.

  62. Of the two layers, the cuticle is the thinner in most parts of the body, and has the appearance of a whitish membrane.

  63. In adults, Sibbald had seen the cuticle fall from nearly the whole body.

  64. In nearly all, the cuticle peeled off "as in other scarlet fevers.

  65. On the 6th or 7th day the cuticle looked rough and broken as if thickly sprinkled with bran; at length the whole desquamated--sometimes the entire skin of the sole of the foot coming off.

  66. Cuticle more or less brown, entire over the umbo, but torn into patches, or scales which become more and more separated as they approach the margin.

  67. Pileus convex, then expanded, cuticle brown, scattered over with warts varying in size.

  68. The velvety look of this organ is given by hair-like projections of the cuticle upon some of the papillæ.

  69. The cuticle is composed of small, flat cells or scales.

  70. Vaccine matter must be inserted beneath the cuticle to take effect.

  71. Poisonous matter has been fatally absorbed through the breaking of the cuticle by a hangnail, or a simple scratch.

  72. Scars are white, because this part of the cuticle is not restored.

  73. In a similar way, we can obtain cuticle from the surface of the body for study and comparison.

  74. A snake throws off its cuticle entire, and at regular intervals.

  75. In the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot, and other parts especially liable to injury, the cuticle is very thick.

  76. Footnote: With a dull knife, we can scrape from the mucous membrane which lines the mouth some of the cuticle for examination under the microscope.

  77. The mechanical anthelmintics are strictly confined to those agents which kill the worm in the body by piercing its cuticle with the sharp darts or spiculae of the cowhage hairs, or the fine metallic points of powdered tin (pulvis stanni).

  78. A bruise may be distinguished from a post-mortem stain by the cuticle in the former often being abraded and raised.

  79. The pustules, or sori, break through the cuticle in a similar manner, and here also no true peridium is present.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cuticle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.