Attention to the general health is a matter of prime importance in all cases of the disease, more particularly among persons whose avocations entail exposure, and tonics with cod-liver oil will be found highly advantageous.
Among the tonics are several which have a stimulating action upon the uterus, and where it is suspected to be affected the following medicines may be administered:-- Powdered cinnamon One scruple to one and a half drachm.
When this has been done, tonics must be freely resorted to.
Other tonics will then do quite as well, and a change of medicine often performs that which no one, if persevered with, will accomplish.
The tonics ought during the time to be discontinued, and the chest should be daily auscultated to learn when the symptoms subside.
The stomach must be strengthened by tonics and vegetable bitters, combined with alkalies.
Afterwards a few tonics may be given; but the mother must never be permitted to visit her young ones as before.
When such is the case, the tonics may be at once resorted to; for then there is little fear but the disease is leaving the chest to involve other structures.
The constitutional measures will consist of tonics into which nux vomica enters.
Stomachics and mild tonicsat the same time are to be employed; but a cure is not to be expected.
Repeatedly are tonics rejected, and only by the reduction of the dose can the dog's stomach be made to retain the medicine.
Consequently strict injunctions are given as to diet, and a course of tonics is adopted:-- Disulphate of quinine One to four scruples.
During recovery the food must be mild, and tonics must be administered.
The constitutional remedies must be regulated by the symptoms, and nothing absolute can be said on this subject; but in the great majority of instances tonics will be required.
You don't want tonics half as much as you want common sense, Mrs. George Godolphin.
Mr. Snow came and came, and drew an ominous face and doubled the tonics and changed them, and talked and joked and scolded.
An outdoor hobby secures the fresh air, and supplies the best oftonics for nervous systems.
He had taken tonicsand gone for holidays to various health resorts, but had gained not the slightest benefit.
But where weakness proceeds from the opposite cause of relaxation, there tonics are good; because they brace up and tighten the loosened string.
Mild diuretics andtonics would therefore be evidently indicated.
When the animal begins to recover, gentle astringents and tonics may be given.
The great value which the Chinese attach to the bones, horns, tusks, and eyes of animals may be judged from various tonics and remedies which are in great request among all classes.
This is fulfilled by the administration mainly of tonics and stimulants.
The nervous depression during convalescence is to be combated with tonics and with regulation of the diet.
Tonics are required during the decline of the disease; of this class of remedies, syrup of the iodide of iron, bitter wine of iron, and ferrated elixir of cinchona are most useful.
After severe cases a course oftonics is commonly of advantage, and a change of climate often necessary to re-establish the health.
In all cases of severity the use of tonics and stimulants should be maintained in reduced doses during the intermission and for some days after the final fall of temperature.
The prima viƦ was relieved by medicine, and under a course oftonics the boy quickly recruited, and at the end of a week went back to school.
Laxatives, stimulants andtonics should be given if necessary.
Heart tonics and stimulants such as digitalis, strychnine and alcohol should be administered when the pulse beats weaken.
During the later period of the disease iodide of potassium, iron and bitter tonics should be given.
If the animal becomes weak, general and heart tonicsmay be given.
If the animal becomes run down in flesh, as sometimes occurs in chronic catarrh, bitter tonics should be given.
Bitter or saline tonics should be administered in the feed when necessary.
She had never disobeyed him, she appeared to have forgotten Masters at last, she took her tonics automatically, and there were good plays in town.
The tonics and horseback riding he had prescribed seemed to have little effect.
In addition to the above treatment it is necessary to give alteratives and bitter tonics to build up the condition of the animal as soon as possible.
It is necessary to give stimulants and tonicsas soon as they are on the road to recovery, as Pulv.
Sometimes stimulants andtonics are necessary and the following will be found very effective: Pulv.
When much debility exists, the animal should be sustained bytonics and stimulants.
Maffei, of Ferrara, states that he has obtained great benefit from the employment of ferruginous tonicsand manganese in the very acute stage of the malady, supported by alcoholic stimulants.
The treatment of functional aphonia should be general and local; tonics such as strychnin, iron, and arsenic should be administered; the intra-laryngeal application of electricity usually effects a sudden cure.
Massage, electricity, and the administration of tonics are also indicated.
The cardiac tonics which are given the patient, and the improvement of the heart from the rest in bed generally start the kidneys to secreting properly.
Iron may be indicated; bitter tonics may be indicated.
In such patients cardiac tonics may be considered, but they must be used with great care.
Tonics help, so does nourishing food, such as eggs and milk; also a change of scene and occupation, if possible.
Many of the hair tonics and shampoos on the market not only are not beneficial, but are dangerous.
It is generally united with other tonics and stimulants, but its ordinary use is to mask the disagreeable odor and taste of other medicines.
The Calumba plant (Cocculus palmatus, Decandolle, or Minispermum palmatum) furnishes the medicinal Colombo root, which is one of the most useful stomachics and tonicsin cases of dyspepsia.
The bright yellow seeds are used in medicine as aromatic tonics and carminatives; and for curries, ketchups, soups, &c.
When we make our conventions of clothing rigid we at once spread a feast for lust and deny ourselves one of the prime tonics of life.
The vision of the essential and eternal human form, the nearest thing to us in all the world, with its vigor and its beauty and its grace, is one of the prime tonics of life.
The Harvester lived away in the forest, and from bark and gum and sap and leaf he collected the tonics and anodynes and stimulants that he sold to the chemists in the great cities.
When, exhausted by his labour, or enervated by unaccustomed conditions, his health failed him, Man resorted for his first drugs and tonics to his ancient home among the trees.
It seems that this hypothesis of the connexion of Tonics with Taurine, or some such element of the Bile, is capable of so doing.
Tonics are used in the same diseases on the Restorative plan; but their utility extends also to other cases on the same grounds.
Tonics support strength as well as cause action; and it can hardly be said that the action of an Alterative, such as mercury, is partial and transitory.
Thomson's arrangement, Tonics and Astringents are said to act on the muscles; but no mention is made here of either of them acting on the blood.
We require proof to show that the disorders in which Tonics are used are blood-diseases.
Though alike in some points, as with regard to their tendency to affect the condition of muscular fibre, yet there appears to be very little agreement in the mode of operation of Tonics and Astringents.
Some too are met with who bear Tonicsworse than others, on account of an idiosyncrasy or peculiarity of constitution.
I have already stated that Quina and other Tonics are of very particular use in such cases of disorder of the hepatic functions, and have attempted to discover an explanation of this fact (p.
Some other authors have been still more decided in classing Tonics with nerve-medicines.
The most difficult case is that of the medicines used in ague and other periodic diseases; of these, for certain reasons that I shall state, I have grouped Quina and tonics among Restoratives, placing Arsenic among Catalytic medicines.
For a day or two I seemed to get better, but after that it appeared, by the return of giddiness in my head, that the tonics had been too soon resorted to.
A second time the tonics were given up, and the former means used.
Then he treats to reduce by medicine to carry the waste fluids to bowels, bladder and skin, with tonics to give strength and stimulants to increase the action of the heart in order to force local deposits to the general excretory system.
The doctor has tried to stop pain by opiates and other sedatives, tried to check bowels with astringents, used tonics and stimulants, but all have failed, the patient is dead.
Fresh air is necessary; nutritious food and tonics must be ordered.
Plenty of fresh air, good nourishing food and tonics are indicated as a routine treatment.
He believed they could give tonics with advantage.
If the appetite is impaired, accompanied by a loss of cud, it shows that the stomach is overloaded, or that its function is suspended: stimulants and tonics are then indicated.
No tonics and stimulants are needed for a healthy animal.
When the inflammatory stage is clearly passed, stronger tonics may be added to the salt, and there are none superior to the gentian and ginger roots; from one to two drachms of each, finely pounded, may be added to each dose of the salt.
Then came spinal pain and irregular menstruation, a long course of local cauterizations of the womb, spinal braces, and endless tonics and narcotics.
And suppose thattonics do not help to make exertion easy, and that the great tonic of change of air fails us, shall we still persist?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tonics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.