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Example sentences for "inuaded"

Lexicographically close words:
intuitively; intulit; intus; intussusception; inuade; inuadeth; inuading; inuasion; inuasions; inuendoes
  1. Now Chingis being exalted, as is aforesaid, they neuerthelesse inuaded the forenamed countries, put the inhabitants to the sword, and carried away their goods for a pray.

  2. Returning from thence, they inuaded the countrey of the Morduans being pagans, and conquered them in battell.

  3. The yeere next following the King inuaded Wales; where he repressed the rebellious enemies, and returned victorious.

  4. And thus Robert both encouraged and enabled by the King of France, inuaded Normandie, and permitted his souldiers licentiously to wast; to satisfie those by spoile, which by pay he was not able to maintaine.

  5. So as he inuaded Northumberland, made great spoile, tooke much prey, caried away many prisoners; whose calamitie was the more miserable, for that they were to endure seruitude in a hard Countrey.

  6. Hereupon the Duke inuaded Maine, and in short time subdued the whole countrey, and built two fortifications for assurance thereof; hauing first sent word to the Earle of Aniou, vpon what day the worke should begin.

  7. But vpon this occasion he presently inuaded Normandie, tooke the Citie of Vernon, and drew Robert, King Williams eldest sonne, to combine with him against his owne father.

  8. He inuaded England about the beginning of October; He subdued all resistance, he suppressed all rising Rebellions, and returned into Normandy in March following.

  9. Hereupon the King twice in person inuaded Wales, but with small shew of successe for the present.

  10. In this season as though trumpets had blowne the sound to battell through out the whole Romane empire, most cruell nations being stirred vp, inuaded [Sidenote: The Almans.

  11. In the time of this mans reigne, the people called Picts inuaded [Sidenote: Of these you maie reade more in pag.

  12. Picts and Scots inuaded the south parts of the land.

  13. Furthermore, he was the first prince of his land that euer inuaded France after Brute, and is commended as author and originall builder of many cities, both in his owne kingdome, and else where.

  14. When Scots be inuaded by Englishmen, the Frenchmen shall come vpon their owne expenses, to their support and succour.

  15. After Egricus succeeded Anna the sonne of Enus in the kingdome of Eastangle, and is likewise slaine by Penda king of Mercia, with the most part of his armie, as he gaue battell vnto the said Penda that inuaded his countrie.

  16. Iland, it was not long after yer he inuaded the same by force of armes, brought it to his subiection in the 29.

  17. The Scots and Picts onelie inuaded the north parts.

  18. And albeit our forces be not so great as we could wish they were, yet haue we according to the time, and the present state of things strongly inuaded them.

  19. But after we had inuaded the Turkish frontiers, we had at the first very often and hot skirmishes, and the Turks came swarming to fight against our imperiall troups.

  20. Sidenote: The Portugales of the castle of Mina inuaded our men.

  21. And they affirme, that if the sayd Christian Emperour were not hindered by those deserts (in the which is great lacke of victuals, and especially of water) he would or now haue inuaded the kingdom of Egypt, and the citie of Alcair.

  22. That forren superstition was brought into China what time the Tartars inuaded the kingdome, and vsurped the gouernment thereof.

  23. During which time of the kings endurance, the French king in the meane season stirred warre in Normandie: and Earle Iohn the Kings brother, made stirre and inuaded England, but the Barons and Bishops of the land mightily withstood him.

  24. In the yeare following, the same Halden inuaded Mercia, and wintered at Ripindon.

  25. He also inuaded Northumberland, and got there great riches by spoile and pillage, which he brought from thence without anie battell offered to him.

  26. In the 36 yéere of his reigne, king Inas inuaded the Southsaxons with a mightie armie, and slue in battell Ealdbright or Aldinius king of [Sidenote: Matth.

  27. Northumbers rebelled against him, wherevpon he raised an armie, inuaded their countrie, and subdued them by force.

  28. In the yéere following he inuaded the countrie of Mercia with a great armie, wasting and spoiling the same vnto Crikelade, and there passing ouer [Sidenote: Brittenden.

  29. Offa hauing thus dispatched Ethelbert, inuaded his kingdome, and conquered it.

  30. William also the Scotish king, with an armie of Scots and Gallowaimen inuaded Northumberland, and passing by the confines of the bishoprike of Durham, did much hurt by slaughter, burning and spoiling the countrie.

  31. Englishmen inuaded that countrie) to be in the citie of Dun, where he was receiued of the king & bishops of that land with great reuerence.

  32. When Frenchmen be inuaded by Englishmen, the Scots shall send their armie in defense of France, so that they be supported with monie and vittels by the French.

  33. Edmund surnamed Ironside, sonne of this Etheldred, was next king of England, in whose time Canutus a Dane inuaded the realme with much crueltie.

  34. Herevpon king Edward inuaded Scotland, seized into his hands the greater part of the countrie, and tooke all the strengths thereof.

  35. What shall I speake of Amurates, the successour of Orcan, who was the first that inuaded Europa, conquered Thracia, Syria, Rafia and Bulgaria?

  36. In the yeare that Titus Geganius and Publius Minutius were Consuls, when all thinges were quiet abrode, and dissention at home appeased, an other great mischiefe inuaded the citie.

  37. Edwin, procured Cadwallo to mooue this rebellion against Edwin: and ioining his power with Cadwallo, they inuaded the countrie of Northumberland iointlie togither.

  38. Moreouer, king Ceadwalla inuaded the kingdome of Kent, where he lost his brother Mollo, as after shall appéere, but yet he reuenged his death with great slaughter made of the inhabitants in that countrie.

  39. At length he inuaded his countrie by open warre, met with him in the field at a place called Maserfield, and there in [Sidenote: King Oswald slaine.

  40. This Edilred inuaded the kingdome of Kent with a mightie armie, in the yéere of our Lord [Sidenote: 677.

  41. Westsaxons, he inuaded the countrie of Sussex againe, and slue Berthun in battell, bringing that countrie into more bondage than before.

  42. Philon aided with the people, assaulted the Palace, and in short space inuaded the same: and the Varlet beeing apprehended, was put to death.

  43. This yeare in August, the Scots inuaded the countrie of Northumberland, and at Otterburne ouerthrew a power of Englishmen, which the earle of Northumberland and his sonnes had leauied against them.

  44. The Scots not onelie thus inuaded Ireland, but also continued their rage against England.

  45. But Lewes replied thereto, that king John had by warre first inuaded his castels and lands in Picardie, and wasted the same, as Buncham castell and Liens, with the countie of Guisnes which belonged to the fee of the said Lewes.

  46. After that, they inuaded Holland, and spoiling that countrie, made it also tributarie vnto the French.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inuaded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.