His school exercises did not interrupt his prayer.
He observes, that the silence of the night is peculiarly adapted to devout prayer, and the sighs of compunction: which exercise we ought never to interrupt too long; and by watching, prayer becomes more earnest and powerful.
As if this cell had not been sufficiently remote from the eyes of men, St. John frequently retired into a neighboring cavern, which he had made in the rock, where no one could come to disturb his devotions, or interrupt his tears.
He was most careful never to lose a moment of time from serious duties and prayer, and never to interruptthe attention of his mind to God in his exterior functions.
The holy man was obliged to interrupt his solitude in obedience to the pope, who sent him in quality of his legate into France, in 1063, commanding the archbishops and others to receive him as himself.
Such a solitude, which appeared hideous to others, offered the greatest charms to the saint, who desired to fly, as much as this mortal state would permit, whatever could interrupt his commerce with God.
Their manual labor, which was that of making baskets or mats, did not interruptthe prayer of the heart.
When he had brought them thither, he entreated them [now they had all things about them which they wanted for the interpretation of their law] that they would suffer nothing to interrupt them in their work.
But how can one go and interrupt a consul to tell him that sort of thing?
The presiding judge, in his impatience and agitation, twice endeavoured to interrupt Salvat.
Leo XIII, who was extremely fond of talking and could only listen to others with an effort, had twice raised one of his pallid hands to interrupt the young priest.
I like this dimness very well, and, please, don't let me interrupt you.
Was it possible that the love of Christ constrained Mr. Osmond to endure contempt and censure on their behalf, and constrained Mr. Randolph to hire a band of roughs to interrupt her father's speeches?
At this point Chactas was obliged, for the second time, to interrupt the recital of his story.
Try not to interrupt me by any marks of grief, which would shorten the few moments I have to live.
Donovan was about to interrupt when the policeman spoke: "That is my business.
If he dared to howl when Bud was extemporizing, Bud would rebuke him solemnly, explaining that it was not considered polite in the best circles to interrupt a soloist.
And how you would often interrupt our tutor Agatharchides in his lectures on geography, to point out some mistake!
The Queen has too much regard for propriety to interrupt me when I am engaged with state-affairs.
The Emperor had also suggested the abridgment of the long series of shlokes which here and there interrupt the narrative, and the Vizir found this advice sound, and followed it, like the present Translator.
It was quite against Mrs. Grail's wont to interrupt thus when her son had settled down to read.
Pray do not interrupt me; I was about to tell you.
It is simply to go and interrupt the Duke of Buckingham, to whom I wish to say two words, and, as the duke is conversing with M.
D'Artagnan did not think it proper to interrupt his majesty, and bowed with much modesty.
Forgive me," said Louis, "if I interrupt your conversation; but I claim your attention wherever I may require your services.
Forgive me if I interrupt you," said Raoul, darting a glance full of severity at De Wardes; "but you give me the impression of being unacquainted with the gentleman of whom you are speaking.
A couple of scenes, dedicated to jealousy and love, interruptthe course of perplexities which are solely occasioned by the illusion of the external senses.
We interrupt here," said Tausdorf to Rasselwitz, struck by her appearance, "and must seek some other place.
You do not interrupt me, gentlemen," said Bona, rising with graceful kindness.
I was in doubt whether to wait longer or to proceed; my way lay just by him, and it might be dangerous to interrupt so substantial an apparition.
I won't interrupt him--so he had better put pen to paper, and get rid of me at once, for I know I am as welcome as snow in harvest.
The death of Henry did notinterrupt the progress of king John, who was very strict in his injunctions, not only to make discoveries, but to secure possession of the countries that were found.