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Example sentences for "interpolating"

Lexicographically close words:
interplanted; interplay; interpleader; interpolate; interpolated; interpolation; interpolations; interpolator; interpose; interposed
  1. I do not know that we could plead as fairly for his own interpolating fancy of "drinking out of the skulls of their enemies.

  2. This abstinence is irreconcilable with the supposed freedom of late interpolating poets in uncritical ages.

  3. But Ionians stuck at nothing in the effort to bring themselves into touch with the great Achaean enterprise; that is, stuck at nothing except at interpolating their fables into the Iliad.

  4. The inveterate usage, in the Bible-making period, of forging and interpolating ancient or pretended writings, makes it impossible to construct any detailed history of the rise of Yahwism.

  5. Then he came to America and began writing lyrics, interpolating them in musical comedies over here.

  6. Wodehouse used to write lyrics for musical plays in England, interpolating one or two in existing successes.

  7. Then he began interpolating extremely funny short stories in the American magazines and he has now succeeded in interpolating into modern fiction some of the funniest novels of the last few years.

  8. Both these authors are devoted to the Church, but unlike Monsignor Marini, are too upright to resort to the pious fraud of suppressing documents or interpolating pretended facts.

  9. By suppressing a document here, and interpolating a statement there, he managed to give plausible standing-ground for nearly every important sophistry ever broached to save the infallibility of the Church and destroy the reputation of Galileo.

  10. Not one iota is added to the proof by interpolating a general proposition.

  11. And to this we must at last come, even after interpolating the imaginary entity.

  12. If a story is essentially weak, interpolating personal comment and unrelated matter generally will make it weaker; if it is essentially fine and significant, passages without bearing on the story will irritate the reader.

  13. It is an attempt to give the essentially bizarre story something of the plausibility and power of the story of the commonplace by interpolating universally familiar matters of detail.

  14. Both these authors are devoted to the Church, but, unlike Monsignor Marini, are too upright to resort to the pious fraud of suppressing documents or interpolating pretended facts.

  15. In that case, why did the later interpolating poets introduce iron as the special material of tools and implements, knives and axes, in an age when they knew that there was no iron?

  16. But why did men who were interpolating bronze corslets freely introduce bronze so seldom, if at all, as the material of greaves?

  17. This little incident I may be pardoned for interpolating from a portion of my life of which I do not intend to speak further, as with the career of the Soldier of Fortune I mean to close these memoirs of Maurice Tiernay.

  18. But amongst his other sins with regard to Luke's Gospel, Marcion is also accused of interpolating it.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interpolating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.