He noisily violated the pot-bellied drawers of all his wives, of all his mistresses and of all his grandmothers.
Because you have finical poppets of mistresses who hide under the bed when you put on a big voice, forsooth!
He knew that Charles dare not quarrel with a man of his position on the question of the subsidies he considered his mistresses ought to have.
For many years it had been the practice to include the heavy expenses of the numerous mistresses of royalty in the accounts of the Government of Ireland; but most of the money came from London.
The viceroy's discarded mistresses were married to distressed profligates, whom Wharton promoted to office in the State or gave preferment in the Church.
Though we may be descended in the direct male line from Hector of Troy himself, our mistresses never fail to address us as 'you' if they think it makes queens of them.
Their very manner of speaking to what we call their masters and mistresses will be a like monstrous masquerade.
Even the Campaigner could not make head against Clive's stern resolution; and the incipient insurrection of the maids and the mistresses was quelled by his spirit.
Why, a man could have twenty curricles, and a fine stud, and a pack of hounds, and as manymistresses as he chooses into the bargain, for what it would cost him to take a wife.
Who of my friends, who of my mistresses will remember my names and baptismal names twenty years hence, and who would recognize me in the street, if I should pass by with a coat that was out at the elbows?
Marguerite asked me all about you: who you were, what you did, what mistresses you had had; in short, everything that one could ask about a man of your age.
Men, instead of being satisfied in obtaining for a long time what they scarcely hoped to obtain once, exact from their mistresses a full account of the present, the past, and even the future.
Sometimes the servants who admitted me refused to present my memorial, declaring that they had strict orders from their masters or mistressesnever to trouble them on such an occasion.
As the jury seems to have thought the tap was in charge of the ship's safety, so mistresses now seem to think the house is in charge of itself.
It is often said that there are few good servants now: I say there are few good mistresses now.
I have known him," adds the young man, "to have mistresses up to an advanced age; he was always adoring them and constantly abandoning them.
Their young mistresses were not above doing any work that came to hand, so they, too, must be willing to do what fell to their lot.
Their young mistresses were contented with the life in the camp, so they were, too.
Peter Snooks, fully conscious that his young mistresses were in trouble, climbed into Julie's lap and stuck his wet nose into her hand in true canine sympathy.
She came to the front with tremendous energy, backed up her young mistresses in all their plans, and vowed she would never leave them.
Oil-of-Gladness was a nice little rosy girl in the tightest and primmest of caps and collars, and with the little housewifely hospitality that young mistresses of houses early attain to.
Madam, and prettie mistresses giue eare, Immediately they will againe be heere In their owne shapes: for it can neuer be, They will digest this harsh indignitie Qu.
Or studie where to meete some Mistresse fine, When Mistresses from common sense are hid.
This trustie Seruant Shall passe betweene vs: ere long you are like to heare (If you dare venture in your owne behalfe) A Mistresses command.
Your mistresses dare neuer come in raine, For feare their colours should be washt away Kin.
If you be a Courtier, discourse of the obtaining of Suits: of your mistresses fauours, etc.
The King, nevertheless, had always great consideration for her, and made his mistresses treat her with all becoming respect.
She was very glad when the King quitted his mistresses for her, and displayed so much satisfaction that it was commonly remarked.
All the mistresses the King had did not tarnish his reputation so much as the old woman he married; from her proceeded all the calamities which have since befallen France.
The other mistresses aren't so queer as the gym teacher but look more like other people except that they wear too much jewelry.
Aren't all the Sunday school mistresses coming to help and didn't you ask those nice American kiddies?
I am perhaps as pretty as thosemistresses whom you mourn; if I have not their skill to divert you, I beg that you will instruct me.
I will not say that your mistresses will deceive you--that would not grieve you so much as the loss of a horse--but you can lose on the Bourse.
Though his mistresses and fearful extravagance were discussed by all the rest of the world, Dona Carmen knew nothing of them, or ignored them.
It was not enough to feign indifference and disdain of his wife's misconduct; it was not enough to pay her back in her own coin, by flaunting his mistresses in her face and making a parade of them in public.
This was natural, for many of them—through notoriety—reached society and, as mistresses of the king, even the throne itself.
The three principal mistresses of this sovereign represent three phases of influence and three periods of his life.
To give an idea of the light in which the women of that time considered those who were mistresses of great men, the following episodes may be cited: One day, Mme.
Chapter XI Royal Mistresses In the study of the royal mistresses of the eighteenth century, we encounter two in particular,—Mme.
Chapter V Mistressesand Wives of Louis XIV The story of the wives and mistresses of Louis XIV.
Montespan was possibly the most arrogant and despotic of all French mistresses and she was, also, the most humiliated.
Among these women the salon leaders will be found the most attractive, and the most influential in literature, theory of government, and social and moral development; to the mistresses belongs the title of "politicians.
Diana and Catherine; the two mistressesformed two parties, and a war of slanders, calumnies, and unpleasant epigrams ensued.
Three mistressesin turn controlled him—morally, not politically.
The royal mistresses lived the same life and followed the same ideals, but exerted a greater and more lasting influence in the state.
In a moment came the thought that she would have a legacy, she would sleep sound on old Pons' will, like the other servant-mistresses whose annuities had aroused such envy in the Marais.
Schmucke could not leave his friend in the condition to which he had been brought by the Camusots--mistresses and servants.
I would secure a general refuge in the good-will of the multitude, which is a great strength to any man; for both ministers and mistresses choose popular and fashionable favorites.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mistresses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.