From this Glenwood home for the feebleminded she was released.
Although not feebleminded the man was of but moderate intelligence, and his emotions, according to Duprat, were such as to defeat any complete resolution of his plight by the intellect.
In point of fact, Case 57, although a feebleminded subject, seems to have had a relatively favorable prognosis: at all events, no new seizures appeared under prolonged medical observation.
Perhaps the majority of insubordinate cases are feeblemindedor schizophrenic.
The man may be regarded as a hypobulic, somewhat feebleminded person, able to get on in civil life but thrown out of gear by war.
According to Soukhanoff, this is a case of Meynert’s amentia, in a somewhat feebleminded person.
He was somewhat feebleminded and, in explaining the impulsivity of his act, he added: “I went like a broken-down beast.
The man, however, was a feebleminded person who could not read, write or calculate.
It appears that his mental weakness had not been noticed in school, but that his employers had thought him both feebleminded and irresponsible.
Society could have no objection against the feebleminded marrying or indulging in sexual relations, provided it could be assured that they will not bring any feebleminded stock into the world.
A feebleminded man has much fewer chances for marriage than has a feebleminded woman.
Marriage with a feebleminded person not only should be advised against, but should be prohibited by law.
As any instruction in the use of contraceptives would be wasted on the feebleminded, the only way to guard the race against pollution with feebleminded stock is either to segregate or to sterilize them.
The close relationship between poverty and ignorance and the production of feebleminded is shown by Anne Moore, Ph.
Every jail, hospital for the insane, reformatory and institution for the feebleminded cries out against the evils of too prolific breeding among wage-workers.
From these same elements, living under these same conditions come the feebleminded and other defectives.
She found that an overwhelming proportion of the classified feebleminded children in New York schools came from large families living in overcrowded slum conditions, and that only a small percentage were born of native parents.
The feebleminded are notoriously prolific in reproduction.
A tendency to insanity, if not insanity itself, may be transmitted to the child, or it may be feebleminded if one of the parents is insane or suffers from any mental disorder.
What idiot, I thought as I irritably rubbed at it with the sole of my shoe, what feebleminded creature has been let loose to do a thing like this?
He did not come within the limits of the feebleminded group.
On the other hand, many a feebleminded testifier has done vastly better than the median of this group.
She did work for us on a few tests and her efforts would have been graded as those of a feebleminded person if her emotional state had been left out of account.
Investigation of antecedents showed that he was born of an exceedingly nervous mother (more exact diagnosis not given) and that he had a feebleminded brother.
Generally her thieving was undertaken in feebleminded fashion; many times she stole things worthless to herself.
Our final diagnosis after all these mental tests is, that while he could by no means be called a feebleminded person, still Adolf is essentially subnormal in many abilities--we still regard him as a subnormal verbalist.