Surely, we thought, this does not look much like the laziness and insubordination of freed negroes.
So far as we can learn, nothing like insubordination or combination exists.
The absence of Smith had caused disorder and insubordination in the colony.
That that gentleman's speech was intended to sow sedition among the people, and to encourage insubordination to this law, is too obvious.
Sidenote: Sullivan seizes Butts Hill] [Sidenote: Naval battle prevented by storm] The expedition failed through the inefficient cooperation of the French and the insubordination of the yeomanry.
But the insubordination of the volunteers now came in to complicate the matter.
Unfortunately, it was thought desirable to pay a further compliment to our new allies by appointing a French captain to command her, and this step gave rise to so much discontent and insubordination as well-nigh to destroy her efficiency.
Insubordination which had been crowned with such splendid success could not but be overlooked, and the gallant Stark was at once taken back into the army, and made a brigadier-general.
It is with a heartfelt pain that I am constrained to blend with these honorable details, another instance of baneful insubordination which occurred on board the Castor frigate, upon Sunday the 13th of December.
An officer asserted that since the Revolution in France he had never seen such insubordination in an army.
Lawlessness and insubordination reached their climax; there was no thought of discipline, and obedience was out of the question.
We again applied for military aid, when General Doniphan came out with a force of sixty armed men to Far West; but they were in such a state of insubordination that he said he could not control them, and it was thought advisable by Col.
He accuses Rousseau of irreligion and of bad faith; he denounces him to the temporal power as animated "by a spirit of insubordination and of revolt.
A storm having destroyed this bridge, the all-powerful monarch, furious at the insubordination of the elements, ordered chains to be cast into the sea, and had the rebellious waves beaten with rods.
He remembered the repeated insubordination of the Volterrans, and concluded that their pride must be broken for ever.
In the Florentine head-quarters nothing but discord prevailed, and the more incapable and irresolute the captain-general showed himself, the higher rose the insubordination of the officers.
May, one of the levelest-headed officers in the regiment, had put the first and only man who showed signs of insubordination to an officer under arrest.
To her and the baby I was bound to go if I had to drink Russia dry of all the shipped-in Scotch and get myself reduced to the ranks for insubordination and deviltry.
The question is about the Electoral Prince of Brandenburg--that young man who has already tarried more than three years in the Netherlands, and is imbibing there the hated poison of insubordination and passion for freedom.
I am only too well acquainted with Count Adolphus Schwarzenberg and all the plots and intrigues concocted by him in Berlin, and his efforts to lead my officers into insubordination and revolt.
According as the insubordination to a single center is more or less pronounced, the resultant organism will be more or less irregular in form and may even discontinuous.
Towards the end of last century the insubordination and tyranny of the Janissaries had reached their highest point.
In this condition, he undertakes the voyage; making the chase of his fishy antagonist the sole abject of his thoughts, and, so far as he can without exciting overtinsubordination among his officers, the object of his proceedings.
The Spanish governor of Montevideo at once took the oath of allegiance to the new monarch, an act of insubordination to his titular superior, the Viceroy.
He therefore absorbed all power in his own hands and ruthlessly repressed any indications of insubordination among those of Spanish blood.
The officers were extremely sensitive about their professional rights, and a spirit of disaffection and insubordination was rife among them.
While the intellectual conviction had never been stronger that union between the provinces was an advantage, circumstances were increasing dissatisfaction and insubordination in every part of the empire.
It is the orderly peoples who create tyrants, and it is not so much restraint above as stiff insubordination below that has to be taught to men.
While quelling insubordination mercilessly, he ever sought to anticipate grievance; exhibiting thus the two sides of the same spirit of careful, even-handed justice.
He was not at all intoxicated by the success he had met with; he knew very well, that when the first effervescence had worn off, reflection would come, and with reflection that insubordination so natural to the sailor's character.
The electioneering activities of a general in regular service and sundry deeds of insubordination on his part finally caused the Government, as a disciplinary measure, to retire him.