Houssay regards as the prototypes of the swastika and the triskele respectively.
Vincent[324] claims that the fact of the swastika having been in use by ceramic artists in Crete and Susiana many centuries before the appearance of Mycenæan art is fatal to Houssay's hypothesis.
Although so much has been written in attempted explanation of the swastika since Houssay made his suggestion, so far as I am aware no one has paid the slightest attention to his hypothesis or made even a passing reference to his memoir.
The swastika and the thunderbolt, dragons and demons, totemism and the sky-world are all of them conceptions that were more or less closely connected with the matters I have been discussing.
But the solar attributes of the swastika are secondary to those of life-giving and luck-bringing, with which it was originally endowed as a form of the Great Mother.
The swastikawas already a rigidly conventionalized symbol when we first know it both in the Mediterranean and in Susiana.
That such a process may have played a part in the development of the symbol is further suggested by the form of a Transcaucasian swastika found by Rössler,[319] who assigns it to the Late Bronze or Early Iron Age.
Is the Proto-Elamite swastika the prototype of the symbol whose world-wide migrations have been studied by Wilson (op.
The designs upon the pots from Hissarlik show that at a relatively early epoch the swastika was confused with the sun's disc represented as a wheel with four spokes.
Wherever it is found theswastika is supposed to be an amulet to confer "good luck" and long life.
For it would reveal the means by which the spiral or volute shape of the limbs of the swastika became transformed into the angular form, which is so characteristic of the conventional symbol.
The foregoing investigation seems to have shown that in all countries alike, at one period or other, the cross-symbol or swastikaexpressed absolutely the same meaning.
The analysis of the Ursa Minor swastika is not so simple and occasions a certain perplexity.
It resembled the well-known triskelion, the companion-symbol of the swastika (figs.
The presence of the swastikaon coins assigned to about B.
Referring back to page 21, where I show that the observations which led to the adoption of the swastika as a symbol could not possibly have been made until after Ursa Major had become circumpolar, about B.
Syracuse, coins from, swastika with human head in centre, 459.
The swastika was but another expression of the same idea and represented also an image of the universal scheme.
Blackie was awake twenty minutes before First Call on Tuesday morning, and passed the time stitching the swastika emblem on the front of his jersey.
You mean the things with a swastikaand a big L on them?
The keys to it rest with the seals of the Living Buddha and the ruby ring of Jenghiz Khan ornamented with the sign of the swastika in the chest in the private study of the Bogdo.
In such a figure the border strips are not put on until all the pieces for the Swastika are cut out, fitted, and glued.
The Swastika is a favourite among boys, and it is shown at Fig.
The Swastika used as an inlay] When each piece has been pressed into place, allow it to stand over night.
Dave glanced once more down at the ground, then up at the mass of swastika wings that hovered just above his head like a cloud.
The sky above him was literally black with Nazi swastika marked wings.
In the drama of the "Toy Cart" the thief hesitates whether he shall make the hole in the wall of Charudatta's house in the likeness of a Swastika or of a water jar.
The swastika is essentially a bi-une sex symbol although it has been sometimes called male and sometimes female, according to its shape, which varies with the various meanings ascribed to it.
The plane had come zooming out from behind the nearby hills, and in a flash she had caught sight of the hated cross on the right of the plane, the swastika on its tail.
There I was on a float marked with the Nazi cross and wearing a Nazi swastika on my shirt.
He trembled as he saw the hated swastikaon its tail.
The Swastika Early in its history the Nazi Party adopted the swastika banner as its official emblem.
The usual drawing of the swastika stripe is shown in Plate N, Fig.
The narrow border stripes ornamented with the swastika and fret forms are often similar to some of the Samarkand stripes.
Only in a few pieces is theswastika meander seen, but in its place is often the T pattern.
Plate H are illustrated the swastika and S stripe, which are seen now and then in Asia Minor rugs, such as Kulahs, and also in Caucasian rugs.
It appears in each of the groups of Oriental rugs excepting the Chinese; and two of the forms it assumes are exceedingly like the arms of the swastika and parts of the fret as occasionally seen in Chinese designs.
As illustrated here, the facing of the swastika is reversed in the middle of the stripe.
Stripes containing theswastika meander were used almost exclusively in the oldest rugs.
Birdwood gives the Swastika as the sectarial mark of the Sakti sects in India.
Cloak embroidered with | | | Swastika and other prehistoric patterns.
In early Greek art theSwastika and Gammadion are everywhere, especially as embroidery on dress.
Fergusson names it with the mound buildings, as belonging to all Buddhist art; and examples of the Swastika are to be found on Rhodian pottery from the Necropolis of Kamiros, where we find also the key pattern.
It is singular that we find the starry cross and the swastika filling alternate square spaces on the mantle of Achilles--playing at dice with Ajax--on a celebrated Greek vase in the Etruscan Museum at the Vatican.
Kipling frequently used the swastika in this context.
Whatever its meaning, the Swastika shows us the efforts of the early man to read the riddle of things, and his intuition of a love at the heart of life.
Of these, the mysterious Swastika is perhaps the oldest, as it is certainly the most widely distributed over the earth.
See essay by the same writer in which he shows that the Swastika is the symbol of the Supreme Architect of the Universe among Operative Masons today (The Lodge of Research, No.
She wore the fine gold chain with the swastika that Clytie had given her.
Then her fingers went to the little gold chain with the swastika at her neck and she started to unclasp that, too.
Other names for the swastika are fylfot and gammadion.
The swastikais found in remains from the Bronze Age in various parts of Europe, esp.
The designs in the Navajo rugs are many, and mostly in angles and straight lines, the serrated diamond design being common, as is the swastika or fylfot.
Illustration] The draftsman is then requested to place the piece of earthenware or tile on the ground and after gazing intently at the Swastika to crush it to powder with the heel of his boot.
When turning the assistant's hand palm downwards, the conjuror does so with his fingers at the back of the assistant's hand and the thumb on the clean palm, leaving the imprint of the Swastika upon it.
When the Swastika is drawn on the piece of tile, the performer in placing it on the ground to be trodden upon, puts his thumb on the drawing, and thereby gets an inverse print of it on the ball of his thumb.
Such are the swastika ground, the red ground, the blue ground mottled over the glaze, and the scroll ground.
The head-dress is of rich apple-green decorated with a swastika in yellow and with Cheou characters in black.
The swastika is a mystical sign, with which is associated a hidden meaning of a religious kind.
Three of the varieties of a lozenge shape; sometimes it has the swastika in the centre.
I thought it being the swastika would be appropriate for your swastika.
By this time should have reached you a Swastika door-knocker, which I hope may fit in with the new house and the new name.
The Hindu trader opens his yearly account-books with a Swastika as 'an auspicious beginning,' and all the races of the earth have used it.
Birdwood says: "I believe the Buddhist swastikato be the origin of the key-pattern ornament of Chinese decorative art.
With a swastika backed by a red field in his windscreen, Stan pressed the gun button and sliced through the middle of the killer, breaking it into almost two separate parts.
And he wasn't able to get a single swastika inside his sight circle.
Over a battered desk hung a piece of the tail of a Dornier showing a swastika and on the desk lay a heavy German pistol, a grim memento of some duel with death he had won.
The swastika is a positive symbol, a mark of unity (because it was once a mark of the revolutionary outcast); we have no such symbol.