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Example sentences for "insincerities"

Lexicographically close words:
insignia; insignificance; insignificant; insignis; insincere; insincerity; insinuate; insinuated; insinuates; insinuating
  1. We will not assert that Cromwell was an immaculate man; that he fell into no faults, no insincerities among the rest.

  2. Neither can the faults, imperfections, insincerities even, of Mahomet, if such were never so well proved against him, shake this primary fact about him.

  3. Entering Mr. Farnaby's private residence on the appointed day, I became acquainted with one more of the innumerable insincerities of modern English life.

  4. If you want to trace one of the causes, look back to the little organized insincerities of English life.

  5. Take your mannerisms, your condescensions, your affectations, your moralisings, and all your insincerities to your debauched equals, but bring your truest and your best to your child.

  6. Detection and exposure of even such abominable insincerities as these never yet did any good to the--the criminal.

  7. For this she was grateful, for she would have found it difficult enough to frame any sincere reply to this endless tissue of insincerities that were only half-conscious of themselves.

  8. Nevertheless, it may be questioned whether the crisis would have come as speedily as it did, but for the Khedive's own insincerities and intrigues against his Minister.

  9. Having been myself, as it were, of the priesthood, I could not well be deceived by the common insincerities which are the stock in trade of diplomacy, or mistake for public policy action which was often only personal.

  10. The insincerities of debate were ingrained in him.

  11. Some felt ill at ease in her presence; her proud, dark eyes seemed to detect every little false grace and affectation, all paltry little insincerities seemed to be revealed to her.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insincerities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.