I was on a jury to-day, and we sent an innocent woman to Siberia.
As I helped to defend Mrs. Clarke, and as we won and she was proved to be an innocent woman, and as I believe in her and admire her very much, I'm sensitive for her.
He felt quite sure that Mrs. Clarke was an innocent woman, but she had certainly been very unconventional indeed in her conduct.
Mr. Merrick in his argument before the jury said: "I asked him 'Did she tell you as she was marching to the scaffold that she was an innocent woman?
I asked him, 'Did she tell you as she was marching to the scaffold that she was an innocent woman?
Now tell me--if he really try, in that way, to renew your unfounded suspicion of an innocent woman, will that shake your confidence in your own opinion?
You have yourself declared that we wronged an innocent womanwhen we suspected Mrs. Beauly.
I'll tell you what I believe Alys knows: that you killed David Balfame; and she can't make up her mind to betray you even to liberate an innocent woman.
She was haunted by a vague sense of inefficiency, of having not quite risen to the occasion, but she felt there could be no doubt that she not only had impressed the reporters as an innocent woman but as a perfect lady.
You will support the murderer Varillo in his lie to ruin an innocent woman's reputation!
In the frequent destruction of an innocent woman's reputation.
Yet reckless of his order, heedless of his vows, he, priest as he was, turned libertine, and betrayed an innocent woman.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "innocent woman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.