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Example sentences for "inner light"

  • In order to understand this we must go back to what we learnt in the course of our optical studies as to the two forms of vision arising from the activity of the eye's inner light - the dream-vision and the seeing of after-images.

  • In this action we find what Goethe called the 'inner light'.

  • Moreover, the theory of "inner light" or the "covenant of grace" undoubtedly appealed as something novel and refreshing after the prolonged soul fast under the harshness and intolerance of the Calvinistic creed.

  • Female Rebellion But those Puritan colonists had far greater troubles to harass them than the few quiet Quaker women who were moved by Inner Light to speak in the village streets.

  • Her teachings were not unlike those of the Quietists and that of the "Inner Light," set forth by the Quakers--a doctrine that has always held a charm for people who enjoy the mystical.

  • Is there indeed such a thing as a Divine illumination, an inner light, a heavenly inspiration, a directing principle within the soul?

  • The doctrines of an inner light, of perfection, of reason quiescent amid the tumult of the soul, of mystical union, of disinterested love, are all strongly maintained by the Archbishop of Cambray.

  • The Scriptures were the husk which might be thrown away when its kernel, discovered by the "inner light," was once revealed.

  • All held some doctrine of an "inner light"; but while some sat very loose to the letter of Scripture, others insisted on the most literal reading and application of Biblical phraseology.

  • They were generally accompanied with a theory of an "inner light" which claimed either to supersede the Scriptures as the Rule of Faith, or at least to interpret them.

  • Our true religious life begins when we discover that there is an inner light, not infallible, but invaluable, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

  • See how interested she was about the "inner light.

  • This gift is the 'inner light,' the light which shines within the soul itself and sheds its rays upon the dark pathway of existence.

  • Hence, criticism at its highest is not a theorist's attempt to impose iron laws on writers: it is an attempt to capture the secret of that "inner light" and of those who possess it and to communicate it to others.

  • It is extremely easy to invent ten such commandments--it was done in the age of Racine and in the age of Pope--but the wise critic knows that in literature the rules are less important than the "inner light.

  • You see, I have my Inner Light meeting in the afternoon.

  • But you must really help me a little by taking her off my hands, particularly on my Bridge and 'Inner Light' days.

  • You see," she said, "I have my Inner Light meeting.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inner light" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after the same manner; beauteous maiden; board her; did not; easy sail; external objects; find mention; five tons; inner bark; inner chamber; inner circle; inner experience; inner life; inner light; inner nature; inner pocket; inner room; inner webs; leave town; naval cadet; ordinary matter; overseas department; salt and; shall produce; small majority; then moved