His “Essay concerning Human Understanding” denies the existence of innate ideas, and seeks to show that all our notions are only products of outer or inner experience, of sensation or reflection.
Platonist, who sought to prove the leading Christian doctrines by the theory of innate ideas.
The idea of a pre-existence of the soul in an earlier and different state of being from the present, is a delusion and groundless hypothesis, arbitrarily tacked on to Plato's doctrine of the anamnesis or of innate ideas.
Yet Descartes has defined what he means by innate ideas with so much precision, that misconception ought to have been impossible.
But, in this case, the series of mental states which occurs is such as would be represented in language by a series of propositions, and would afford proof positive of the existence of innate ideas, in the Cartesian sense.
Many of them originated in accident; many in class interest and bias, perpetuated by authority for this very reason--a consideration which later actuated Locke's attack upon the doctrine of innate ideas.
The Unitarians as a class belonged to the school of Locke, which discarded the doctrine of innate ideas, and its kindred beliefs.
Locke claimed for the mind merely a power of reflection by which it was able to modify and alter the material given by the senses, thus exploding the doctrine of innate ideas.
Locke begins his essay with a vigorous polemic against the doctrine of Innate Ideas.
Innate ideas, after they had been exploded by Locke, are reintroduced into philosophy by a sufficiently transparent piece of legerdemain.
He expressly leaves aside the supposition that we have innate ideas of the laws of Nature whereby conduct is to be guided, or of the matters that they are conversant about.
Essay on the Understanding' he devotes himself to the refutation of Innate Ideas, whether Speculative or Practical.
In opposition to Locke and to all his school, he dares to believe in innate ideas, although he calls them feelings.
It is his principal business to protest and argue against the existence of such "innate ideas.
The canvas," say the adversaries of innate ideas, is all white, "and in proof witness the unceasing labor of the artist to cover it with figures.
The defenders of innate ideas said; "The figures already exist upon the canvas; to see them we have only to raise the veil which covers them.
We find it, in these passages, expressly taught that there is within us something besides what we have acquired by experience, in which point the scholastics all agree with the defenders of innate ideas.
Defn: The doctrine of innate ideas, or that the mind possesses forms of thought independent of sensation.
Hobbes, Locke, and others, in maintaining a theory opposed to the doctrine of innate ideas.
He clearly saw that knowledge is limited by the faculties which are its source, which he considered to be reducible to sensation and reflection; but while denying the existence of innate ideas, he admitted the existence of innate faculties.
I justify also the existence of innate ideas, and show that the soul produces their perception out of itself.
I was astonished to find, in that great philosopher's chapter on innate ideas, that men have all different ideas of justice.
Plato, in the Edinburgh Essays, 1856: “Plato was distinguished from all previous philosophers by the prominence which he gave to the doctrine of innate ideas.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "innate ideas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.