He was a boy of very strong feelings also, and he had conceived a strong affection for Beauchamp, which made any thing that affected that gentleman a matter of deep interestto him.
It was impossible not to feel a deep interest in the unhappy position of the young sultan, more particularly as he and all his family had on so many occasions behaved with kindness and humanity towards Englishmen in distress.
Those readers who are alive to the important progress of steam navigation cannot fail to take a deep interest in the history of the first iron steamer that ever doubled the Cape of Good Hope.
Foolishly translating an Italian idiom, I asked her, with an air of deep interest, whether she had well 'decharge'?
I took care to behave so as to please the mother; I was modest, respectful, and shewed a deep interest in everything I saw.
Liszt felt a deep interest in the literary and scientific interests of the day, and he threw himself into the new movement with great enthusiasm, for its strong wave moved art as well as letters with convulsive throes.
It is natural that we should all take a deep interest in his future welfare, as we do.
In turning our attention to the condition of the civilized world, in which the United States have always taken a deep interest, it is gratifying to see how large a portion of it is blessed with peace.
It is believed that the whole civilized world take a deep interest in their welfare.
This keeps up a deep interest, as they daily have new lessons to print, and what they print must be committed to memory as soon as possible.
But in order to carry this important measure, and arise to that distinguished station, it becomes the duty of every citizen of this country to take a deep interest in its present and future welfare.
I trust we shall all take a deep interest in the school which is to be, succeeding as it does to one which has already existed for a great number of years, having been founded by my ancestor Henry VII.
I need not tell you that the proceedings of to-day have given us great pleasure, or that we feel a deep interest in the success of the schools which we have now opened.
Paul always took a deep interest in the well-being of his earliest European converts, and here he speaks in most hopeful terms of their spiritual condition.
As brethren and sisters in the faith, they took a deep interest in each other's prosperity; and they regarded the afflictions of any single disciple as a calamity which had befallen the whole society.
The two friends spoke next upon a subject of deep interestto both.
Seward in 1842; but feeling a deep interest in the organization of a new Company, enlisted as a private.
While connected with the Company he was one of its best members and warmest supporters; and although at the present time in no way directly connected with them as a Company, he still manifests a deep interest in its prosperity.
The society formed by the men who were educated in America, known as the Friends of America (Baron Kaneko is one of the leading members), takes a deep interest in all matters relating to government and political economy.
He seems to take a deep interest in the reforms now being worked out, and is cordial in his treatment of Americans.
The conversation with her Majesty, and also with the Princess Adelaide, and the Duchess of Orleans, was about the Indians, who they had heard had gone home, and in whom they all seemed to have taken a deep interest.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deep interest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.