As the Covenant of Works doth promise an earthly paradise, yet it is a paradise or blessing, though once obtained, yet might be lost again; for no longer than thou doest well, no longer art thou blessed by that.
For this Diabolus, and your pretended prince, though once so highly accounted of by you, made rebellion against my Father and me, even in our palace and highest court there, thinking to become a prince and king.
Love in us decays, though once never so warm and strongly fixed, if the object falls off, as to its first alluring provocation; or disappointeth our expectation with some unexpected reluctancy to our fancy or our mind.
Though once or twice I said I loved justice better than land he would have it no other way, but took my protestings for the solemn fooleries of a priest.
And the monk Francis encouraged him in this, though once or twice he sighed.
So, approaching and lifting his legs, as high as he might in the politer fashion of the day, though once in his progress he fell against the wall, he took her by the hand and kissed her on the cheek.
I do not remember what else he talked of, though once I remembered it with what I believed an ineffaceable distinctness.
Though once a puppy, and though Fop by name, Here moulders one, whose bones some honour claim; No sycophant, although of spaniel race!
Though once a puppy, and though Fop by name, Here moulders one whose bones some honour claim.
Though once a man of grief and shame, Yet now he fills a throne, And bears the greatest, sweetest name, That earth or heaven has known.
The lawless movements of that wild, bright and laughing figure, its exultant blasphemy, its confident mockery, are remembered by me as though once I had been admitted to the green room of heaven.
Each looked as though once it had peered into the eyes of doom, and then was but waiting, caring nothing.
There is not a murmur in the host; though once a white bird flew yauping from a tree, and then it seemed the desolation had been surprised into a cry, a prolonged and melancholy admonition.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "though once" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.