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Example sentences for "importation"

Lexicographically close words:
importable; importance; important; importante; importantly; importations; importe; imported; importer; importers
  1. At the same time the petitioners suggested that if it should be found impracticable to suppress such importation altogether, the foreign silk should be required to be in the form of stuffs already woven.

  2. In the reign of Francis the First, the importation of Catalan cloth into France was prohibited altogether.

  3. Early in the seventeenth century, and owing to a series of causes such as impertinent or improvident legislation, heavy taxes, and the importation of foreign cloths, the trade showed symptoms of decay.

  4. Would you have them make a Law to prohibit the Importation of such Things to Ireland, and force us to use our Hands for our own Wants, whether we will or no?

  5. There is a great importation of American trees early this year, which gives Mr. Wright some trouble to attend to, out of his ordinary line; in return for which he is to have a farm some day, and American trees to beautify it with.

  6. Being thus foiled, he actually sent up a petition to the House of Lords, praying them not to pass any law to prohibit or restrain the importation of corn.

  7. Furthermore, the importation of cheap European wares of every description is slowly killing all native industry.

  8. Maryland followed Virginia in forbidding the importation of slaves from Africa.

  9. In 1778 Virginia forbade the importation of slaves into her ports.

  10. When the powers of Congress came to be defined, the extreme South demanded that it be not allowed to forbid the importation of African slaves.

  11. In Alabama, Birney, a man of a fine type, and growing toward leadership, secured in 1827 the passage of a law forbidding the importation of slaves as merchandise; but this was repealed two years later.

  12. This was by the importation of negro slaves from Africa.

  13. The importation of negroes naturally increased with the gradual extermination of the native Indians, and it was favored by the very men who most strongly inveighed against the enslavement of the Indians.

  14. The importation of and traffic in African negroes who were set to work on the sugar plantations was inseparable from this industry which henceforth became the chief source of Cuba's wealth.

  15. The sugar plantations were somewhat hampered at this time by lack of labor, and on that account the importation of negro slaves was encouraged and hundreds were brought in every year.

  16. Also, thinking thus to redeem them from enforced servitude, he secured royal sanction for the introduction of Negro slavery and the importation of Negro slaves into Cuba; a policy which he afterward deeply regretted.

  17. In 1916, the importation of many articles of luxury into Germany was forbidden.

  18. Which they altered thus: "Are there any concerned in the Importation of Negroes, or buying them to trade in?

  19. The Query was, "Are there any concerned in the Importation of Negroes, or buying them after imported?

  20. This statement does not include an importation of sixty-three persons from Manchester, in England, in 1839.

  21. In November 1806 he issued from Berlin the famous decree prohibiting the importation of British goods and excluding from the harbours under his control even neutral ships that had touched at British ports.

  22. He prepared a memorial to the Legislature, then in session, for the signatures of Friends, urging that body to take measures to put an end to the importation of slaves.

  23. It has no seaport for the importation of slavery, or the exportation of its own highland republicanism.

  24. The new business in which he was engaged consisted chiefly in the importation and sale of European goods, and consignments of dry goods from the northern cities.

  25. Their business was the importation and sale of foreign manufactures, and the firm soon took its place at the head of the Boston merchants engaged in this trade.

  26. He had no difficulty in disposing of them; and so great was the favor with which they were received, that in a few years the annual importation of India-rubber shoes amounted to five hundred thousand pairs.

  27. Non-importation and non-exportation agreements were adopted and signed by all the members; and Committees of Vigilance were appointed.

  28. Footnote 350: "Some time before the proceedings of Congress reached England, it was justly apprehended that the non-importation agreement would be one of the measures they would adopt.

  29. To take off the edge from this bill, bounties were granted on the importation of lumber and timber from the plantations; coffee of domestic growth was exempted from additional duty; and iron was permitted to be carried to Ireland.

  30. The meetings of non-importation associations were regularly held in the various provinces.

  31. You say they do not object to the right of Parliament in levying duties on goods to be paid on their importation; now, is there any kind of difference between a duty on the importation of goods and an excise on their consumption?

  32. Mr. Bancroft remarks: "The agreement of non-importation originated in New York, where it was rigidly carried into effect.

  33. You say they do not object to the right of Parliament, in levying duties on goods, to be paid on their importation; now, is there any kind of difference between a duty on the importation of goods and an excise on their consumption?

  34. Like the preceding, this story is doubtless also an importation into the Islands from Europe.

  35. In any case, to judge from recorded variants, the Tagalog story is an importation from the Occident.

  36. The importation of Arabian stories, for example, might have been made over many routes.

  37. This story, like the preceding, is clearly an importation from the Occident.

  38. Husbandry was stimulated by the importation of European grains, which he had the satisfaction to see thrive in a country whose soil and climate were so productive and varied.

  39. The Jeronimite Fathers likewise looked upon the importation of Africans, who could better bear severe labour, as a remedy for the trials of the Indians, and the measure obtained the concurrence of the judge of residencia.

  40. The proportions in which the different leading articles of importation and exportation enter into the total amounts of each may be thus stated:-- Imports Cottons for 62 per cent.

  41. Of much greater importance was the importation of Basilian monachism into Russia, for it thereby became the norm of monachism for all the Slavonic lands.

  42. Spirits, of which the importation is forbidden in Northern Nigeria, are freely smuggled over the border from Southern Nigeria.

  43. Cato had recently visited Athens and had been struck by the beauty of the city, so that it is quite possible that the importation was direct.

  44. The result was an importation of five parrots on board the 'Sunbeam;' but the monkeys were too big for us.

  45. There are two religions in Japan, Buddhism and Shintooism; the latter being the primitive faith, and the former an importation from China.

  46. The importation of wines presented to our islanders a new species of luxury.

  47. By this treaty we were bound to receive Portuguese wines in exchange for our woollen goods, and to deduct from the duty on importation one-third of the rate levied on French wines.

  48. Who can be ignorant that if the importation of wine were forbid, it would both clean rid the possibility of committing that odious vice, and men might afterwards live happily and healthfully without the use of intoxicating liquors!

  49. At this period of the seventeenth century the importation of French wines into England was two-fifths of her consumption.

  50. It turned out to be largely a Peace Congress, but a protest, several addresses and a non-importation and non-consumption agreement was signed.

  51. It is the immediate duty of Congress to fully investigate the effect of the immigration and importation of Mongolians upon the moral and material interests of the country.

  52. There is a law against the importation of grain, but the good folk who made the law forgot to prohibit the introduction of wheat products and food stuffs made from corn.

  53. The author obtaining such copyright is protected from piracy in the United States, or from importation of foreign reproductions into the United States.

  54. The importation of American books in sheets into Canada is considerable, although it is yearly diminishing as our publishing facilities increase and trade grows.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "importation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    importation agreement; importation agreements