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Example sentences for "redeem them"

  • A letter from O'Brian, at Algiers, shows me that he has had an intimation of my being authorized to redeem them, and imputes the delay to me.

  • If they decide to redeem them, I will beg leave to observe, that it is of great importance that the first redemption be made at as low a price as possible, because it will form the future tariff.

  • Hard as it may seem, I should think it necessary not to let it be known even to the relations of the captives, that we mean to redeem them.

  • The notes rose under the stimulus of this new promise, in one year, from seventy-six cents to eighty-nine cents in gold, but no steps whatever were made to redeem them.

  • United States, at least one-fourth of the interest on the bonds, and we would save more by the right to redeem them if a favorable turn in the market should enable us to do so.

  • The branch was charged with the amount of the notes or checks taken up; and periodically served with a copy of the account, and commanded to send on specie or bills of exchange to redeem them.

  • Indeed, it is possible by this means to convert all the debts of the United States and State Governments into bank notes, without reference to the specie required to redeem them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redeem them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    best compliments; call again; chronic nephritis; done under the sun; gallant forecastle; greater number; human remains; legal rights; medullary rays; mental comment; moment afterward; much later; never stopped; noble knights; obtain food; pleasant enough; redeem them; redeeming love; shall live; spiritual sense; this ship; what nature; who says