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Example sentences for "free institutions"

  • Twenty-three countries, enjoying the privileges, in various proportions, of free institutions, were represented at this memorable Congress of Nations.

  • Though liable to mismanagement by unscrupulous politicians, free institutions can, under ordinary favourable conditions, be trusted to be productive of much good for the peoples living under their protection.

  • At the time when he rendered this important service to his native Commonwealth and to the principles of free institutions everywhere, he was forty-four years of age.

  • To-day Protestantism is in the anomalous position of being inadequate in equipment and manpower to meet the situation created or to supply the demands arising everywhere for adequate expression of free institutions.

  • Our "free institutions" were self-sufficient and all-inclusive.

  • And from the beginning until now the type of religion that has prevailed in Latin-America has not assisted in the building up of free institutions, nor has it produced a high morality among the people.

  • Men living at such times have a natural bias to free institutions.

  • But how are you going to earn your living?

  • That our deliberations on this interesting subject should be uninfluenced by those partisan conflicts that are incident to free institutions is the fervent wish of my heart.

  • Lord Castlereagh had no sympathy with cruelty or oppression in Continental rulers; he had just as little belief in the value of free institutions to their subjects.

  • Free institutions can be maintained only by citizens, each of whom is instant to oppose every illegitimate act, every assumption of supremacy, every official excess of power, however trivial it may seem.

  • It is this easy-going readiness to permit small trespasses, because it would be troublesome or profitless or unpopular to oppose them, which leads to the habit of acquiescence in wrong, and the decay of free institutions.

  • I suppose you recognize in these results the great benefits of free institutions?

  • Freedom, on the contrary, engenders far more benefits than it destroys; and the nations which are favored by free institutions, invariably find that their resources increase even more rapidly than their taxes.

  • Then came, perhaps, the finest growth of free institutions in MediƦval Europe.

  • These are the consequences of free institutions.

  • Blanche left Arnold to array herself in her bridal splendor--after another outrage on propriety, and more consequences of free institutions.

  • Confiding in this pledge, they removed to the country to encounter all the privations of a wilderness, under the alluring promises of free institutions.

  • It means the strong arm which has ever been fatal to free institutions.

  • The political power of the Mormon Church in the territories as exercised in the past is a menace to free institutions, a danger no longer to be suffered.

  • The second Southern, or slavery-engendered element that is antagonistic to free institutions, is contempt of labor.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "free institutions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    afterwards discovered; free and; free circulation; free delivery; free discussion; free from; free hydrochloric; free inhabitants; free library; free myself; free persons; free play; free port; free schools; free verse; free white; freed from; freedom from; freezing point; great wind; hide himself; little wooden; regulate commerce; stiff paper; turning towards; wish thee