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Example sentences for "aduertised"

Lexicographically close words:
aduersarie; aduersaries; aduerse; aduersus; aduertise; aduertisement; aduertisements; aduertising; aduice; aduis
  1. The king aduertised hereof, sent them word, that except they would surrender the towne to him the morow next insuing, without anie condition, they should spend no more time in talke about the matter.

  2. Sir Gilbert reparing to the duke of Clarence, and other of the kings councell, aduertised them of this request.

  3. The king of England aduertised of their haultie courages, determined to conquer them by famine, which would not be tamed with weapon.

  4. King Henrie aduertised hereof, meant at the first to haue gone with his nauie in person to the succors of his men; but the emperor dissuaded him from that purpose, aduising him rather to send some one of his capteins.

  5. The king being the Inuader, thought it not his part to shrinke from the shocke; being also aduertised that the French King prepared to relieue the Duke.

  6. At the last Anselme threatned to excommunicate the King: whereof the King being aduertised by the Countesse Adela his sister, hee desired her to come to him into Normandy, and to bring Anselme with her.

  7. These hils seeme wholy to be the mountaines of Apalatci, whereof the Sauages aduertised Laudonniere; and it may bee they are the hils of Chaunis Temoatam, which Master Lane had aduertisement of.

  8. The king aduertised thereof, followed them, but could doo no good, & so returned.

  9. The king aduertised hereof, got all his host togither, and marched forward verie terriblie toward duke Henries campe.

  10. In déed he wist not well whom he might trust, for he stood in doubt of all men, bicause he was aduertised by credible report, that the empresse sought for aid on all sides, meaning verie shortlie to come into England.

  11. Duke Henrie aduertised hereof departing from the place where he soiourned, hasted foorth to succour his people that were besieged, [Sidenote: The castell of Newmarch deliuered to the French king.

  12. But being now aduertised of Brightriks death, and required by earnest letters sent from his friends to come and receiue the gouernement of the kingdome, he returned with all [Sidenote: Egbert receiued a king of Westsaxons His linage.

  13. King Alured aduertised hereof, hasted thither, and lodging with his armie néere to the enimies, prouoked them to battell.

  14. The king aduertised of these matters, meaning to preuent them, left his iournie into Wales, and marched with all spéed towards the north parts.

  15. Northumberland and his sonne were aduertised by the earle of Worcester, and with all diligence raised all the power they could make, [Sidenote: They craue aid of Scots.

  16. The Frenchmen aduertised that the Englishmen were comming to remooue the siege, issued not foorth of their lodgings, but kept them within their closure.

  17. This doone, they tooke vp the bodie of him whom the Flemish writers call the earle of Penbroke, and got them againe to the sea, for that they were aduertised how the duke of Burgognie meant to besiege Calis.

  18. Vpon the discharge of the goods your worships shall be particularly aduertised thereof.

  19. Worshipfull, my heartie commendations vnto you premised: By my last of the twelfth of August from this place I aduertised you particularly of the accidents of our Fleete vntill then.

  20. The day folowing, which was the two and twentie of Iuly, Sir Francis Drake espied Valdez his shippe, whereunto hee sent foorth his pinasse, and being aduertised that Valdez himselfe was there, and 450.

  21. The Queene, by her letter, aduertised Iohn Arundel of [3.

  22. Charles de Valois aduertised thereof, departed from Rion with all speed, to besiege the foresaid towne of saint Seuere, yer the Englishmen should haue time to fortifie it.

  23. They who were certified thereof by the gouernor of Chincheo did not stand therein, but saide y^t they would observe the order giuen vnto them.

  24. So when that the night was come, the iustice of the citie did make them a banket according vnto the fashion of the countrie: and it was in this manner following.

  25. Dominicke or preachers, who haue done their dutie in all things so well as the other.

  26. At their going a shore, they founde prepared for the two religious men little chayres to carrie them vppon mens backes, and for the souldiers and the rest of their companions was ordayned horse.

  27. He also aduertised the Gentlemen Indians hys friends of his determination, who highly commended his deuice.

  28. And that the horsemen shoulde runne, and the ordinaunce shotte of, to the entent that Mutezuma shoulde be aduertised thereof.

  29. The king aduertised hereof by the greeuous complaints of his subiects, was as then at Northampton (where he had assembled his parlement) and thervpon hauing gathered speedilie a power, with all expedition he hasted towards Bedford.

  30. The French king aduertised of the earls arriuall, and of these his atchiued enterprises, sent foorth by and by the earle of Champaigne with a mightie armie into Guien to aid his people there.

  31. The king of Scots was aduertised of king Henries approch, and therefore in defense of himselfe and his countrie, had raised an huge armie.

  32. Now the French king being aduertised that king Henrie laie thus neere to Tailborge, marched thitherwards with all his puissance latelie reenforced with new supplies, and approching to Tailborge, had the towne deliuered vnto him.

  33. In the meane while, the French king being aduertised that king Richard was deteined as prisoner reioised not a little thereat, and with all speed by secret messages did send for his brother earle John, who was readie to come at his call.

  34. For the king being aduertised of such outrage, doone contrarie to the order of his lawes and expresse commandement, wrote ouer to the bishop of Elie his chancellour, charging him to take cruell punishment of the offenders.

  35. Erle John the kings brother aduertised hereof, raised such numbers of men as he might make of his freends, seruants and tenants, [Sidenote: Earle John winneth the castels of Notingham and Tickhill.

  36. The King being aduertised of hir sorrow very gently began to comfort hir, affirming that shortely he would finde sutch meanes, as she should enioy the effect of hir desire.

  37. Now the Letter of Philiberto, fell into the hands of lady Zilia, by meanes of hys Page instructed for that purpose: who aduertised hir of the departure of his mayster, and of the despaire wherein hee was.

  38. Incontinently the Lady was aduertised of the arriual of this Baron, and knowing his message, she determyned to paye him also wyth that Money whych she had already coyned for the other.

  39. It may please you Sir, to be aduertised that I haue receiued your letters, whereby I vnderstand that our ship with the treasure is safely arriued, God be praised therefore.

  40. They are aduertised by the Indians, wherefore the lorde of Ceuola killed the Negro, which went with Frier Marco, and of many other things: And of an old woman called Guatazaca, which liueth in a lake and eateth no food.

  41. These Indians I aduertised by my interpreter, according to my instructions, in the knowledge of our Lord God in heauen, and of the Emperor.

  42. But to procéed, king Lewes being aduertised that there was no great number of men of war left in Normandie to defend the countrie, raised a power, and comming to Rouen, besieged it verie streitlie.

  43. When the French king and the earle of Flanders were aduertised that king Henrie had made this ordinance amongst his subiects, they gaue commandement that their people should be armed after the like manner.

  44. The king aduertised hereof, came to a communication with the French king at Yurie, vpon the 21.

  45. When king Henrie was aduertised hereof, he turned with all speed into Normandie, that he might prouide for timelie resistance, if the French king came forward to inuade his dominions.

  46. King Henrie the father aduertised of this new league of the conspirators against him, was in great perplexitie of mind, for that he saw himselfe in danger, not onelie of outward enimies, but also of his owne subiects at home.

  47. When king Henrie was aduertised hereof, he raised his power also, and togither with his sonne earle Richard came with all spéed to succour his people, and to saue his castell from the hands of his enimies.

  48. Immediatlie after he was aduertised of the death of king Stephan, he came ouer into England, landing at Ostreham about the seuenth day of December.

  49. The Romans aduertised thereof, assembled themselues togither to the number of 40.

  50. For the Britains hearing that Cesar ment verie shortlie to come against them, were assembled in armour to resist him: and now being aduertised of his approch to the land, they prepared themselues to withstand him.

  51. King Egelred aduertised thereof, sped him thither with a mightie host, and with great crueltie burned vp the countrie, and slue the more part of the [Sidenote: Canute driven to forsake the land.

  52. And if at anie time there was anie good conclusion agreed vpon, for the withstanding of the enimie, & reléefe of the common wealth, anon should the enimie be aduertised thereof by such as were of aliance or consanguinitie to them.

  53. The French king aduertised herof, was not well plesed in his mind towards the king of England; till K.

  54. The French king aduertised hereof, then being in displeasure with king Henrie, sent into Ireland for Perkin, to the intent to send him against king Henrie, which was then inuading France (as yee before haue heard.

  55. England was dailie aduertised of these dooings, which nothing lesse desired than to haue the English pale inuironed with French fortresses.

  56. When the king was aduertised of these dooings, he was somewhat astonied, and not without cause; being thus troubled with the warre against the Scots, and this ciuill commotion of his subiects at one instant.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aduertised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.