Some of the characters had become indistinguishable; but there could still be discerned part of a date, and ideographs signifying, "third month, the third day.
The development of the pai-hua school of literature and the progress of mass education indicate that even with ideographs the Chinese can reach conditions of uniform literacy approximating those which prevail in the advanced Western nations.
Later the Communists enthusiastically pushed the same scheme, stating that the Chinese ideographs were a stronghold of reactionary thought.
A movement to supersede the Chinese ideographs by the exclusive use of the kana, which are very simple abbreviations of those ideographs, was initiated at the beginning of the Meidji era, but was dropped soon afterwards.
Another radical movement to substitute the Roman alphabet for the Chinese ideographs and the kana in writing Japanese, was started nearly at the same time, and still continues to have a certain number of zealous advocates.
All forms of the ideographsin use in our country were borrowed from China, intact or modified.
The use of Chinese ideographs thus increased from generation to generation, until now it has become too late to try to eradicate them.
All alike wore dark-blue military caps with the names of their school across the front in Chinese ideographs of gold.
In addition to voluminous printed sheets of hurrying ideographs this journal dispensed each day a page of excellent English, and for weekly supplement issued a pamphlet entirely in the borrowed tongue.
A knowledge of these ideographs places all Chinese literature at the service of the Japanese scholar.
Previous to the introduction of the Chinese ideographs in the early Christian centuries, the Japanese had no written language.
Chinese ideographs are said to outnumber the Japanese characters to-day, and in numerous instances have actually displaced them, even among the common people.
Because of the ideographs and other peculiarities of their own tongue, it is far more difficult for the Japanese to learn English than for us to learn French or German.
The tallies were cards on which a line of ideographs were inscribed.
The Japanese, not unnaturally, changed these ideographs to others having the same sounds but signifying "great peace.
As for the ideographs themselves, they must have been long familiar, though doubtless to a very limited circle.
Either the sounds of the Japanese words must be changed to those of the Chinese ideographs; or the sounds of the Chinese ideographs must alone be taken (irrespective of their meaning), and with them a phonetic syllabary must be formed.
It was written, for the most part, with a script called the Manyo syllabary; that is to say, with Chinese ideographs employed phonetically, and it did not at all attain the literary standard of its Chinese prototype.
These references indicate that the use of the ideographs was known in Japan long before the reign of Ojin, whether we take the Japanese or the corrected date for the latter.
The Japanese term monobe (or mononofu) was expressed by Chinese ideographs having the sound, bushi.
Their efforts are said to have been limited to the tracing of ideographs and the composition of verselets.
To be able to adapt the Chinese ideographs skilfully to the purposes of written Japanese was a feat achieved by comparatively few.
Another objection to the Daiho code and its correlated enactments was that, being written with Chinese ideographs solely, they were unintelligible to the bulk of those they concerned.
He caused the ideographs Kanazawa-bunko to be stamped in black on all Confucian works, and in red on Buddhist.
The order of the words is not changed, but nouns and verbs, for instance, are written in the original ideographs with the significance of the cases or conjugations, which are written in the phonetic letters succeeding these ideographs.
This will give you an idea of our using Chinese ideographs in our sentences.
In China the pronunciation of ideographs underwent much change; besides it has varied according to localities.
Each word is represented by a distinct ideograph, and, from what I have just said, it follows that the form of the ideographs also never changes, in the same way as the sounds do not change.
The present system of our writing, which is more commonly used than another which consists of phonetic letters only, is very cumbersome, because it consists of a mixture of Chinese ideographs and our phonetic letters.
Besides the above examples we read very often the ideographs thus used, not according to their pronunciation but according to so-called 'kun' of the word, which is in reality a translation.
The historian chosen to accompany the monarch and put into imperishable ideographs the history he was to make transcribed the king's message, and it was dispatched by courier to the capital.
A variety of black kaka was the only serviceable material to be had for writing purposes, ideographs being traced on its surface with white ink.
The ideographs must have registered mightily in our favor, for the king seemed more than convinced of our sincerity.
I want some one who is away up in ideographsto accompany the expedition as historian.
On these tablets, in fact, we have a new class of cuneiform writing in an early stage of its development, when the hieroglyphic or pictorial character of the ideographs was still prominent.
In course of time this proto-Elamite system of writing by means of ideographs seems to have died out, and a modified form of the Babylonian system was adopted by the Elamites for writing their own language phonetically.
Although they cannot be fully deciphered at present, it is probable that they are tablets of accounts, the signs upon them consisting of lists of figures and what are probably ideographs for things.
Although the meaning of the majority of these ideographs has not yet been identified, Père Scheil, who has edited the texts, has succeeded in making out the system of numeration.
The ideographs which the Assyrian scribes employed in writing the name of the god reveal the meaning they attached to it.
Jensen's method of disposing of Shuâlu, besides being open to serious objections, fails to account for the fact that Shuâlu is brought into association with various Babylonian terms and ideographs for the grave.
The ideographs descriptive of the edifice suggest a corn magazine of some kind.
Hence, one of the most common ideographs used to express his name is that which signifies 'sword.
The writing being a purely ideographic form, an epitheton ornans, the question of how the ideographs are to be read is not of great moment.
That among the Babylonians the seventh month also had a sacred character may be concluded from the meaning of the ideographs with which the name is written.
The ideographs with which his name is written designate him as a chief of some kind, and in accord with this, Gudea calls him 'the leader of the land.
The ideographsfor 'country' and 'mountain' are identical Assyrian.
Certain of the ideographs were used as 'determinatives' for indicating the generic character of the word to which they are prefixed or affixed.
The ideographs often prove a great assistance, as words of unknown meaning interchange with ideographs the signification of which is already known.
Characters expressing open syllables like ba and ab were chosen, to which a few more denoting closed syllables and ideographs were added; but in no case was a character allowed to possess more than one value.
When the Semites adopted the old Accadian syllabary they used these signs quite as often to express the Semitic sounds of the original ideographs as for syllabic signs.
The use of ideographs as determinatives was evidently suggested by the Sumerian syllabary, but the language of the Sumerians was simple, requiring fewer signs to express sounds.
The native system of writing which had gradually emerged out of the phonetic use of Chinese ideographs made it possible for Japanese thought, hitherto expressed only in an uncongenial foreign garb, to appear in purely Japanese attire.
To make this state of things still more complicated, Chinese characters are profusely resorted to in the native writings, and are used not only as so many ideographs for words of Chinese origin, but also to represent native words.
Ideographs had given place first to phonograms and then to mere syllables, "complex syllables in which several consonants may be distinguished, or simple syllables composed of only one consonant and one vowel or vice versa[113].
Proper names may be found with their correct ideographsin Who's Who in China and the Supplement thereto, cited above.
The intense reverence for learning and scholarship makes the training welcome, and the teachers who seek to teach the minimum of one thousand ideographs in six weeks never lack pupils.
In the printing-offices we find women at work, not as compositors, but as compositors' assistants, darting from case to case about the room and selecting for the compositor the ideographs that he needs in his work.
Several plans for reform in this matter are being agitated, one of which is to limit the use of ideographs to nouns and verbs only.
Conversation was impossible, of course, but, by tracing ideographsupon the sand, a Chinese member of the crew succeeded in explaining the cause of the junk's arrival.
For example, the ideographs signifying rice or metal or water in Chinese were used to convey the same ideas in Japanese.
It is not to be inferred that the writers of Japan, enamoured as they were of Chinese ideographs and Chinese style, deliberately excluded everything Chinese from the realm of poetry.
The idea of such pictorial ideographs had seemingly not yet come to the Scythians, but that idea had been attained many centuries before by other people of a higher plane of civilisation.
Some young fellow, brighter than the rest, developed a system of ideographs which he scratched on broad, smooth leaves.
Had the new invention been permitted to exist a little longer, some one would have commenced to scratch ideographs on rocks.
What more natural than that the newly discovered ideographsshould be blamed for it?
Flower-forms are the most ordinary patterns; sometimes certain ideographs are given as subjects.
But any effort to interpret it according to Western notions of physiognomical expression would be just about as successful as an attempt to interpret Chinese ideographs by their real or fancied resemblance to shapes of familiar things.
And as the grey wharves recede, a long Aaaaaaaaaa rises from the uniformed ranks, and all the caps wave, flashing their Chinese ideographs of brass.
Many of the ideographswere too blurred to be legible, but he managed to make out "third month, the third day.
It is true that the pictorial clue of many Chinese ideographs can not now be traced, and even Chinese lexicographers admit that combinations frequently contribute only a phonetic value.
Their ideographs are like blood-stained battle flags to an old campaigner.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ideographs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.