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Example sentences for "iddin"

Lexicographically close words:
ictus; icumen; icy; idcirco; iddina; ide; idea; ideaed; ideal
  1. A stela of King Nabu-ablu-iddin (about B.

  2. Again, a certain Bêl-iddin had to find twenty-five shekels to pay a substitute to go for him to the presence of the king.

  3. What locus standi Shûm-iddin had is not clear.

  4. City of Kar-Asshur-akhe-iddin built on the same spot.

  5. Babylon and reconquered some parts beyond the Zab from Samana-shum-iddin (king of Babylonia).

  6. Nebo-akhi-iddin produced the contract which he had made with Beli-litu; he proved that she had received the money, and convinced the judges.

  7. The judges heard the charge, and caused Nebo-akhi-iddin to be summoned and to appear before them.

  8. Nebo-akhi-iddin produced the contract which he had made with Belit-litu; he proved that she had received the money and convinced the judges.

  9. Soon after he came to the throne he had formed an alliance with Nabu-aplu-iddin of that kingdom, and was thus able to operate in the north-west without fear of complications with the rival claimant of Mesopotamia.

  10. Bel-shum-iddin succeeded Zamama-shum-iddin, but three years afterwards he was deposed by a king of Isin.

  11. He was succeeded by Marduk-aplu-iddin I, who presided over the destinies of Babylonia for about thirteen years.

  12. The city is destroyed, and a new one, Kar-Asshur-akhe-iddin built on its ruins.

  13. Assyrian empire and received as a colony the name of Kar-Asshur-akhe-iddin (the city of Esarhaddon).

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iddin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.