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Example sentences for "hydropathic"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrolytic; hydrolyzed; hydromel; hydrometer; hydrometers; hydropathy; hydrophobia; hydrophobic; hydrophone; hydrophones
  1. Here, too, where we sit, must be the hydropathic establishment.

  2. In other words, while in acute disease our hydropathic treatment is sedative, in chronic diseases it is stimulative.

  3. The credit for the introduction of hydropathic treatment of typhoid fever does not belong to the "remarkable experiments of the Paris and Vienna schools.

  4. Once more I repeat: The hydropathic treatment will give equally good results in appendicitis, meningitis, scarlet fever, and all other forms of acute diseases.

  5. Likewise, ice or icy water should not be used in the hydropathic treatment of chronic diseases.

  6. Braun of Berlin wrote an essay on the good results obtained by the hydropathic treatment of typhoid fever and it had in that way received orthodox baptism and sanction, was it adopted by advanced physicians all over the world.

  7. But we of the Nature Cure school claim and can prove that the hydropathic treatment of diphtheria shows a much lower percentage of mortality than the antitoxin treatment.

  8. The Electromagnetic Effect of Cold Water Applications One of the most important, but least understood, effects of hydropathic treatment is its influence upon the electromagnetic energies in the human body.

  9. Then I began to try local remedies, applications of cold water on the ball of the eye, cupping on the neck, a general hydropathic treatment, and alcoholic lotions around the eyes.

  10. May, and Darwin's health then broke down for a time, so completely that he had to retire to a hydropathic establishment.

  11. As is well known, Darwin seldom visited at other houses, besides those of immediate relatives, or the hydropathic establishment at which he sought relief from his illness.

  12. Then she bought four handsome dresses, and some impressive bonnets, went to a Hydropathic Establishment, and looked about her.

  13. I could get a locum," he said slowly, "and take her to a Hydropathic Establishment for a fortnight.

  14. The Waverley Hydropathic is said to mark the immediate scene of the struggle.

  15. Out from the grey town, with its orchards and picturesque gardens, the Waverley Hydropathic is passed on the right.

  16. The invalid acted on the advice, and in obedience to the directions of a hydropathic physician, proceeded to swathe his body, upon going to his nightly rest, with wet bandages.

  17. The shrewdness of Mutchkin's apprentice puts us in mind of the sagacity of the hydropathic doctor, mentioned in the "Life of Mr Assheton Smith.

  18. From Sepey we descended to Aigle, where there is a large hotel or hydropathic establishment just out of the town.

  19. On this account I went in 1848 for some months to Malvern for hydropathic treatment, which did me much good, so that on my return home I was able to resume work.

  20. As soon as ever I have fairly finished I shall be off to Ilkley, or some other Hydropathic establishment.

  21. The district has been long famed for its beauty, charm, and grandeur, and those curative waters on the success of which a colossal and palatial hydropathic institution is conducted by Messrs.

  22. The House of Commons for pleasure, I suppose; but for "ordinary" sanity give me Peebles and its Hydropathic Institute.

  23. She was well and getting along all right in the Hydropathic and had no complaints, though she was lonesome for her darling boy.

  24. I shall go to the Hydropathic and I will be quite comfortable there.

  25. I accordingly left the hydropathic establishment at the end of November.

  26. Vaillant, who had taken an equally fine site on which to erect a hydropathic institute.

  27. Pursued by the fear of a possible return of erysipelas, I sought to ward it off by a repeated and regular process of sweating once a week, wrapped up in towels, on the hydropathic system.

  28. My water cure and the hydropathic establishment became more and more distasteful to me; I longed for my work, and the desire to get back to it made me quite ill.

  29. I made due inquiries about a neighbouring hydropathic establishment, and informed my wife that I was going off to Albisbrunnen, which was situated about three miles from our abode.

  30. Some short time before I had been at a hydropathic establishment in Yorkshire, and had travelled home at night.

  31. And it has been decided by physiologists and physicians of the hydropathic school, that the air of the bath cannot be too free of all moisture.

  32. Much of that which I have said with respect to the hydropathic bath will apply to the design of the bath for hospital and asylum purposes.

  33. Purity of atmosphere in the hot rooms is a vital necessity, and so also is it in the miscellaneous bath rooms of a hydropathic establishment.

  34. In many of the hydropathic establishments (Kurbäder) of Germany, will be found excellent Turkish baths.

  35. This latter point we do not find so carefully studied in hydropathic establishments as its importance would warrant.

  36. In a small establishment the hydropathic appliances are movable, and used in ordinary bath rooms, the Turkish bath being the only feature requiring special design.

  37. The hydropathic establishments have long adopted the Turkish bath as a powerful remedial and curative agent in perfect harmony with the principles of the Water Cure.

  38. The Groves of Blarney round the Castle may be seen, also St. Ann's Hydropathic establishment.

  39. To the north is St. Ann's Hydropathic Establishment, on a gentle slope, surrounded by well-wooded parks.

  40. The Hydropathic stands well sheltered and commanding a splendid view.

  41. His idea was to have a house as like a hydropathic as possible, and to call it The Towers.

  42. She hinted to me to-night that she thought the Hydropathic was the place for me--surely the unkindest cut of all.

  43. A company had been formed to start an hydropathic establishment on a small river, a tributary of the Rhine,--the Lahn.

  44. Aunt Sarah had been for six weeks at a "Hydropathic Establishment" at Malvern.

  45. No letters need be forwarded, for he would be constantly moving, but Mrs. McCunn at the Neuk Hydropathic would be kept informed of his whereabouts.

  46. She proposed to stay another week at the Neuk Hydropathic and suggested that he might join her and bring her home.

  47. Phoebe asked me if the people I had left behind at the Hydropathic were my relatives.

  48. His old complaint, erysipelas, had induced him to try the water cure, for which purpose he had been to hydropathic establishments, and he continued the treatment with as much success as possible in the chalet.

  49. He sought relief at hydropathic establishments, for which form of prevention and cure he retained a fancy for many years.

  50. At St. Dalmazzo is a hydropathic establishment, pension 8 frs.

  51. Carpentras is the village of +St. Didier+, with a good hydropathic establishment in an old château.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydropathic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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