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Example sentences for "hydrophones"

Lexicographically close words:
hydropathic; hydropathy; hydrophobia; hydrophobic; hydrophone; hydropic; hydroplane; hydroplanes; hydroponic; hydroponics
  1. Two hydrophones were invented in the early part of 1917, one by Captain Ryan, R.

  2. These results were, of course, greatly improved on in 1918, as the numbers of ships fitted with the "fish" and other hydrophones increased and further experience was gained.

  3. The progress in supply of hydrophones is shown by the following table: Supply of Directional Date General Service Mark I and Shark Fin Fish 1917.

  4. When out scouting for the enemy they proceeded in line-abreast for about one sea mile, then stopped their engines and listened on their hydrophones for the noise of a submarine cruising in the vicinity.

  5. The curious clanking noise had, however, ceased, and although hydrophones were used to again locate the sound, there was no result, only the ceaseless wash of the sea and the low moaning of the wind.

  6. In those early days of hostilities there were no elaborate hydrophones for detecting the approach of submarines under the water, and the only hope of a warning came from the possibility of the under-water vessel breaking surface momentarily.

  7. Hydrophones are put in operation, and after a period of listening the flotilla continues on its course, as no submarine sounds are heard.

  8. The full line shows the course of the U-boat as plotted out by hydrophones and the broken line the course of the submarine-chasers.

  9. But when hydrophones were used that game proved very hazardous.

  10. They also took part in the hydrophone patrols, when several of these craft used to drift noiselessly, listening by means of their hydrophones for the sound of enemy submarines travelling below the surface.

  11. She was then told off with another drifter to anchor in the vicinity of the Shipwash to work the hydrophones during the night.

  12. Hydrophones and other listening devices, though at first more highly perfected by the enemy, were so developed during the war as to enable patrol vessels to discover the presence and even determine the course and speed of a submerged foe.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrophones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.