See the Calendar of Wills in the Hustings Court, by R.
Nicolas, Life of Chaucer, Note A; from the Records of the Hustings Court, 23 Edw.
To make pure, cultivated, noble woman a partisan, a political hack, to lead her among the rabble that surround and control by blackguardism and brute force so many of the hustings of the United States.
But, sir, I contend that that is an argument against the ballot and the hustings and the polling-booths, and not against the rights of woman.
I wish Humboldt, for the sake of scientific comparison, could have been upon the hustings that day!
I heard my name associated with epithets of anything but an endearing description, and, to say the truth, if choice had been granted, I would far rather have been at Jericho than in the front of the hustings at Dreepdaily.
I was also one of the first that reached the hustings in the Guildhall, and, being once there, I had not the least doubt but I should by and by make a due impression upon the persons there assembled.
My pleasure was equal to my surprise, when Mr. Davenport, a gentleman well known in the literary world, walked up on the hustings and shook me by the hand, at the time that he communicated this gratifying intelligence.
In this way we proceeded to, and entered, the Guildhall, and mounted the hustings together.
The Cheshire Yeomanry; but you will observe that, at this time, the disposition of the hustings occupied a good deal of my attention, and I did not expect the others.
On their arrival at thehustings a scene of dreadful confusion ensued.
The scale of yards given on the Plan shows that Stanley's estimate of a hundred yards as the distance from Mr. Buxton's house to the Hustings was exactly correct.
My attention was then directed to a number of constables bringing from the hustings the famous Hunt wearing a white hat, and with him another man, also wearing a white hat, who was said to be Johnson.
But they worked their way to the hustings still, as fast, under existing circumstances, as they could.
It has been stated, upon evidence which I should be unwilling to discredit, that the body of persons more immediately in contact with the hustings were of Hunt's party.
Stanley's estimate of a hundred yards, as the distance from the hustings to Mr. Buxton's house can be demonstrated to-day to be almost exactly correct.
I should, at a guess, state the distance from the hustings to Mr. Buxton's house to be about a hundred yards, which may serve as a general scale to the rest of the plan.
On their reaching the hustings which were prepared for the orator, he was received with enthusiastic applause; the waving of hats and flags; the blowing of trumpets; and the playing of music.
The Hustings are on the site of the south-eastern corner of the Free Trade Hall.
A vast concourse of people, in a close and compact mass, surrounded the hustings and constables, pressing upon each other apparently with a view to be as near the speakers as possible.
Can you such a monster approve, Whose voice on the Hustings doth falter?
Any man who stood upon the hustings in a British burgh, and proclaimed "Justice to the Colonies," would be speedily thrown into a minority, from the dread that his return might raise the price of sugar a penny a pound.
On the hustings were posted a set of young men, neatly dressed in blue and buff for the occasion, blacklegs from all the race-courses, and all the Pharo and E.
Their business was to affront every gentleman who came on the hustings without their livery.
On the hustings a daily farce passed, which even those busy in the general scene, but who attended not that spot, can have no conception of.
In the Hustings Roll we hear of the 'Great Seld of Roysia de Coventre in the Mercery,' known as the Great or Broad Seld.
Next to the recorder the town clerk was the chief officer in the local courts of law called the Hustings and the Mayor's Court.
When his year of office expired these so-called charters were called in question, and in 1274 they were examined in the Hustings before all the people and declared void.
A party grieved by a false verdict of any court in London may appeal to the Hustings Court of London, which hears common pleas before the mayor and aldermen.
Trade, land, and other civil issues were dealt with by the Hustings Court, which met every Monday in the Guildhall.
The aldermen had special knowledge of the law and a duty to declare it at the Hustings Court.
And the Hustings [court] shall sit once a week on Monday.
The Court of Hustings in London is empowered to award landlords their tenementsfor which rent or services are in arrears if the landlord could not distrain enough tenant possessions to cover the arrearages.
In London, the Hustings Court met weekly and the folkmoot of all citizens met three times a year.
The Colonel soon found that he was in a false position, and did not appear on the hustings at the day of nomination.
Lord Deerhurst was proposed at the hustings by the Mayor (R.
On the hustings Mr. George May charged Mr. Borthwick with having failed as a bookseller in Dalkeith, and having been excommunicated by the Scotch United Secession Church.
Spring Gardens, London, who drove up to the hustings just in time to be put in nomination.
On thehustings Colonel Davies and Sir William Rouse Boughton, Bart.
College reputations are extinguished in a moment, the common-places of the hustings can avail no more, and the pamperings of party only hurry its favourites to more rapid decay.
Another view of a hustings is afforded by the caricaturist.
The sailors, vowing vengeance, left the hustings to intercept Fox on his way to Westminster to canvass; but he luckily managed to elude them, and escaped into a private house.
The scene of the hustings is again travestied as a fair.
Gillray has produced the most characteristic “View of the Hustingsin Covent Garden.
His highly characteristic speech at the Westminster hustings is the best exposition of his changed opinions.
Would it be of any use to you if he could not come on the hustings to-morrow?
I shall not easily forget, when I appeared for the first time upon the hustings in Guildhall, what long faces were exhibited, and what surprise it created.
The day came, and a hustings was erected in my yard, and when I arrived, not only was the place full from top to bottom, but all the roofs of the buildings were covered with people.
Upon inquiry where the hustings were, I found that nothing had been done or thought of towards the erecting of them.
I reached the hustings just in time, and up I went with the rest.
With the quickness of lightning the boards which formed the lower end of the hustings were demolished, and the brave and generous people rushed in to my assistance, declaring that they were ready to lose their lives in my defence.
I turned round, and sure enough they were all flown, having escaped from the back part of the hustings through the King's Arms Inn.
This was accompanied by a rush towards that part of the hustings where it was fixed.
These galleries were the very best places for the people to see the election, as they completely overlooked the hustings and the whole court, which was calculated more than any other circumstance to secure fair play.
This was the first and the last time I ever knew Daddy Sturch, (as he is called in Westminster) appear upon the hustings at Guildhall, to address the Livery at a Common Hall.
The present writer was near the hustings on that occasion, and a plain tale, uninfluenced except by principle, will put the whole thing down.
Munday says, "The weight used for gold and silver called Troy weight was in the time of the Saxons called 'the Hustings weight of London,' and kept there in the Hustings.
Probably the Hustings court is a form of the same assembly.
The Court ofHustings was not, it appears, necessarily associated with the Guildhall.
This is interesting as an early notice of the Hustings Court, which is thought by some to have originated under the Danish rule; but the word "Thing" occurs in one of the earliest English laws.
Laws of the Confessor the Hustings Court is said to have been founded of old in imitation of and to continue the royal customs of Great Troy.
When they chair a real member through Westminster, after having violated the freedom of election by deeds which deserve hanging, these wanton fools pull the hustings over their own heads, and frequently maim peaceable spectators.
He was called from his seclusion by the stirring political scenes of 1860, and appeared on the hustings as an ardent advocate of Bell and Everett.
In the rough and tumble of debate, which he enjoyed, whether on the hustings or on the floor of congress, he displayed rare humor, reveling in original epigram and in rollicking anecdote at the expense of his opponent.
The effect was electric, and thehustings rang with plaudits.
They had votes, and they used them; but they were professional soldiers with the modes of thought which belong to soldiers, and beside the power of the hustingswas now the power of the sword.
From the hustings he gave his first address to a public assembly; and by general agreement no such speech had ever been heard in the borough before.
To be the rival of Mr. Millbank on the hustings of Dartford!
This was not needed on his own account, but his absence from the hustings was regretted on account of the convention cause.
In all his intellectual conflicts, whether at the bar, on the hustings or in the Senate, under no provocation was he ever excited to an unseemly exhibition of temper.