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Example sentences for "hustles"

Lexicographically close words:
husting; hustings; hustle; hustled; hustler; hustling; huswife; hut; hutch; hutches
  1. He hustles to the nearest flag station and spends eight dollars sendin' telegrams to the bunch, invitin' 'em to a venison feed at the club.

  2. She hustles them out, rather as she might hustle her chickens, and begins tidying the room.

  3. I hustles her back to the stall, 'n' goes down to the street door 'n' waits.

  4. I hustles up to the chicken's room when I'm back to the hotel.

  5. Occasionally, by some unaccountable freak of the elements, the monsoon veers completely around, and blowing a gale from the north, hustles me along over the cobbly surface at great speed.

  6. She hustles to the sideboard, coz she knows exactly where She can put her hand right on it, but alas!

  7. And when he comes, he shakes his hand, And hustles him upstairs to me, And seems contented just to stand Inside the room where he can see.

  8. Show me a boy that hustles for the organization on election day, and I'll show you a comin' statesman.

  9. I answer: "No; as long as the leader hustles around and gets all the jobs possible for his constituents.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hustles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.