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Example sentences for "never felt"

  • I felt, as perhaps I never felt before, my ignorance, my helplessness, and the necessity of entire dependence on God for guidance and inspiration, that prayer should be made in accordance with his will.

  • Since then my pains have never returned; I have more than my youthful vigor; I walk with more ease and rapidity than I ever did in my life, and I never felt so fresh and young as I now do, at the age of fifty-two.

  • I think I never felt so much for a little creature before, and were it not for the great distance I should have to take him, I never would leave him behind.

  • Truly it is so, and I never felt it more than at this present.

  • One sad blight has passed over us, and it has indeed solemnized our hearts, and made us feel, as we never felt before, by how slight a tenure we hold all earthly blessings.

  • I never felt certain of finding all the sticks in their places, on turning out of a morning, when he was with you as a lieutenant, Greenly.

  • They are as complete as any court in Christendom would be likely to require, for he never felt a necessity for changing his name.

  • He was spoken of, alluded to in the journals, and viewed even by his tenants as the American landlord; and he never felt truly at home in the country for which he had fought and bled.

  • I follered arter as close as a bur tu a chestnut; for in my hull life I never felt so scared.

  • I can do anything with her; I never felt a boat answer the helm as she does.

  • I never felt it as I do now," she answered.

  • I knew it," he answered, "but I never felt it before.

  • I felt as I never felt before--that my body is not my real self; that the essential I is distinct from the body.

  • All I know is that I never felt it, and yet I confess to being twenty-four.

  • I never felt life so full of possibilities as now.

  • I never felt as if nature meant her to be my other and better self.

  • Help me off with the coat, Jack, and order breakfast, with any number of mutton-chops you please; I never felt so voracious in my life.

  • Trust me, I never felt so hungry in my life.

  • The next moment the chaise was out of sight, and I leaned against the balustrade of the bridge, with a sick feeling at my heart I never felt before.

  • He never felt himself in society, and he never knew definitely what was meant as society by those who were in it.

  • Somehow, I never felt so fond of Aunt Philippa as I did at that moment when she leaned over the carriage with outstretched hands.

  • I never felt so afraid of Mr. Hamilton before.

  • I think she would be reconciled to any place if she saw me enjoy my food: at the Albert Hall Mansions I never felt hungry; I was always too tired to eat.

  • I never felt a touch so caressing as that of their light fingers, but, gods of war!

  • Save for that one thing, I never felt better.

  • She stood motionless and made no answer, I never felt such a stir in me, for I had a fear, a terrible fear, that I had lost what I might never have again.

  • It was a rage of discomfort, I fancy, for somehow, I never felt so bound and cluttered, so up in the air and out of place in my body.

  • Nevertheless, these memorials were all deeply interesting; and though I had seen the fruits of his labours from the Black Sea to the Baltic, I never felt such a strong personal attraction to him as I did here.

  • The fellow seemed to feel as he never felt before!

  • The fellow seemed to feel as he never felt before.

  • The reserve which I mentioned in a former letter was evident, however, here, and I felt a degree of embarrassment arising from it which I never felt in America.

  • Colonel Kent's family are very polite to me, and I never felt in better spirits; the weather is now fine and I feel as though I was growing fat.

  • Mama, perhaps, will think that I experienced some inconvenience from such a fatiguing journey, but I never felt better in my life than now.

  • My advantages for study never appeared so great, and I never felt so ardent a desire to improve them.

  • We never felt a regret for having married each other, even when the practical consequences were most unpleasant--never, never, not for a single instant.

  • We drank the beer between us, out of one tumbler; we devoured half of a crusty loaf, and cheese sufficient for a dozen nightmares; and I never felt so well in my life as I did after it.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never felt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    but suddenly; has ever; never allowed; never done; never doubted; never expected; never fail; never fear; never gave; never give; never have; never heed; never left; never looked; never marry; never mentioned; never once; never remember; never saw; never see; never seemed; never shall; never spoke; never took; never understood; never wanted