I felt, as perhaps I never felt before, my ignorance, my helplessness, and the necessity of entire dependence on God for guidance and inspiration, that prayer should be made in accordance with his will.
Since then my pains have never returned; I have more than my youthful vigor; I walk with more ease and rapidity than I ever did in my life, and I never felt so fresh and young as I now do, at the age of fifty-two.
I think I never felt so much for a little creature before, and were it not for the great distance I should have to take him, I never would leave him behind.
Truly it is so, and I never felt it more than at this present.
One sad blight has passed over us, and it has indeed solemnized our hearts, and made us feel, as we never felt before, by how slight a tenure we hold all earthly blessings.
I never felt certain of finding all the sticks in their places, on turning out of a morning, when he was with you as a lieutenant, Greenly.
They are as complete as any court in Christendom would be likely to require, for he never felt a necessity for changing his name.
He was spoken of, alluded to in the journals, and viewed even by his tenants as the American landlord; and he never felt truly at home in the country for which he had fought and bled.
I follered arter as close as a bur tu a chestnut; for in my hull life I never felt so scared.
I can do anything with her; I never felt a boat answer the helm as she does.
I think she would be reconciled to any place if she saw me enjoy my food: at the Albert Hall Mansions I never felt hungry; I was always too tired to eat.
I never felt a touch so caressing as that of their light fingers, but, gods of war!
She stood motionless and made no answer, I never felt such a stir in me, for I had a fear, a terrible fear, that I had lost what I might never have again.
It was a rage of discomfort, I fancy, for somehow, I never felt so bound and cluttered, so up in the air and out of place in my body.
Nevertheless, these memorials were all deeply interesting; and though I had seen the fruits of his labours from the Black Sea to the Baltic, I never felt such a strong personal attraction to him as I did here.
The fellow seemed to feel as he never felt before!
The reserve which I mentioned in a former letter was evident, however, here, and I felt a degree of embarrassment arising from it which I never felt in America.
Colonel Kent's family are very polite to me, and I never felt in better spirits; the weather is now fine and I feel as though I was growing fat.
Mama, perhaps, will think that I experienced some inconvenience from such a fatiguing journey, but I never felt better in my life than now.
My advantages for study never appeared so great, and I never felt so ardent a desire to improve them.
We never felt a regret for having married each other, even when the practical consequences were most unpleasant--never, never, not for a single instant.
We drank the beer between us, out of one tumbler; we devoured half of a crusty loaf, and cheese sufficient for a dozen nightmares; and I never felt so well in my life as I did after it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never felt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.