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Example sentences for "highwayman"

Lexicographically close words:
hight; highte; highth; hights; highway; highwaymen; highways; hiis; hij; hija
  1. Aided by his advantages of costume, this character naturally interested us; and we regretted seeing but little of him in the first scene, from which he retired, following the penitent Highwayman out, and lecturing him as he went.

  2. So that highwayman is butting in too," he commented.

  3. Yes, boys; what d'ye think for a highwayman like that Aaron Kronberg?

  4. Whereupon the Bagman whipped up his horse and, as the tired animal struggled forward over the crest of the hill, I saw the highwayman still watching us.

  5. The highwayman was full of expressions of thankfulness and gratitude.

  6. Knaves will no more endeavour to persuade us of the baseness of mankind, than a highwayman will inform you that there are thieves on the road.

  7. The highwayman then threatened, if he did not deliver the bank-note that moment, he must shoot him; holding his pistol at the same time very near to his breast.

  8. A struggle then ensued, in which the former wrested the pistol from the hand of his antagonist, and both came from their horses on the ground together, the highwayman upon his back, and the victorious Jones upon him.

  9. The highwayman did not deny that between us there lay ground for quarrel, and he would be at the rendezvous at the time appointed.

  10. When dinner-time came the highwayman knocked on the wall for the heydukes, who promptly responded to the signal, and hastened to serve quite a luxurious meal, but Raby excused himself on the score of his dining at a later hour.

  11. Whereupon the highwayman raised his tufted hat and cried, "So fights Gyongyom Miska!

  12. The highwayman himself began to laugh as he accosted the president.

  13. Was he not avenged on the highwayman at last, seeing that the biter was bitten!

  14. The highwayman pressed his axe between his fingers, and tapped quite gently with the butt end of it on the crown of the president's head, where the velvet lining of his fur cap hung out.

  15. But if the highwayman kill me, then you and Karcsataji will fight till one or the other is a dead man.

  16. But the supposed highwayman still did not betray the situation.

  17. In the mean time, however, Willie was no less agile; for, having thrown off his ragged and cumbersome cloak, he vaulted upon the steed of the highwayman with as much coolness as if he had been at his own door.

  18. Willie saw that it was in vain to parley, for the highwayman had his hand on the pommel of his pistol, and an unscrupulous act would lay him dead at his feet.

  19. Louis Bachelor raised his hand, as though to lay it on the shoulder of the other; but something in the eyes of the highwayman stayed his hand.

  20. At the mention of Wandenong the highwayman asked his name.

  21. Then the boy for his courage and valour so rare, Three parts of the money he got for his share; Now since the highwayman has lost all his store, He may go a robbing until he gets more.

  22. And there sat a highwayman drinking of wine, Thought he to himself this money is mine.

  23. The highwayman also jumped down from his horse, But little did he dream that it was for his loss; But before they could find all the money, they say The boy jumped on horseback and so rode away.

  24. Oh, no, canny master, your cow I have sold, But was robbed on the road by a highwayman bold.

  25. In The Merry Life and mad Exploits of Captain James Hind, The great Robber of England, a noted highwayman temp.

  26. Tis apprehended the Highwayman is either killed or dangerously wounded, the Pistol touching his Breast when Mr. Hornsby fired.

  27. My dear Barker, don't you think that such a modern highwayman as you describe would be more likely to operate outside his own district?

  28. On this occasion the methods of the highwayman were less furtive.

  29. The highwayman passed his victim and threw open the bonnet of the Wolseley.

  30. The highwayman sprang into his car, the engine of which had hissed and whispered in gentle accompaniment to the interview.

  31. Up to this point the proceedings of the modern highwayman might have passed as gentle.

  32. After a career of riot and robbery, the Highwayman at length falls into the toils of Sir John Fielding, who was the first magistrate to take sharp and decisive measures against these pests of society.

  33. Give me a highwayman and I was full to the brim; a Jacobite[3] would do, but the highwayman was my favourite dish.

  34. For the gallows I care not a clipped shilling,' the highwayman answered, sending up thick blue curls of smoke into the morning air.

  35. A highwayman he was, but a mighty stout man with a kind heart beneath a thief's jacket.

  36. His request is in reason,' said the highwayman bluntly.

  37. Not I,' the highwayman answered, reining up his horse.

  38. A dozen or more were cut off in this way, and soon it came to be whispered about that Marot the highwayman was the man that did it, and the chase became hot at his heels.

  39. A very little insistence induced Lahoma to comply, and both the young man and the former highwayman saw her go with disappointment.

  40. I feel that I ought to be there, to lend a hand; what will you do without me, if that horrible highwayman comes slipping around Turtle Hill, or creeps down the north mountain in the dead of night?

  41. My companion was none other than Giles Barlow, the highwayman and murderer.

  42. Of course it would not answer for me to raise any objections to this, for I knew it would arouse his suspicions; so we changed places, and the highwayman took his seat in the stern of the canoe.

  43. I did not want to ask you to take me up, but to tell you to be on your guard, for a highwayman has just gone on in front, and it would be ill to meet with him.

  44. If I awake her and frighten her, and then we don't find the highwayman she will break the whip over my back.

  45. Give me a highwayman and I was full to the brim; a Jacobite would do, but the highwayman was my favourite dish.

  46. When first confined, he behaved himself with very great levity, and declared he would merit a greater reputation by the boldness of his behaviour than any highwayman that had died these seven years.

  47. The Life of JOHN DYKES, a Thief and Highwayman It is a reflection almost too common to be repeated that of all the vices to which young people are addicted, nothing is so dangerous as a habit and inclination to gaming.

  48. Did you never hear of my coach being robbed; money and papers carried off; myself, my lady, and my servants made prisoners on parole by a band of gipsies, and a highwayman riding a grey horse?

  49. Who but a highwayman would order so costly a dinner, such choice wine, and leave both almost untouched?

  50. Their wits were still abroad, but they felt comforted and reassured to learn that the second highwayman was but a parson after all!

  51. I know this man has assumed the title of a famous highwayman for disguise.

  52. But John Garnet was acute enough to leave on the shoulders of that mysterious highwayman the whole burden of guilt he had incurred in the eyes of justice.

  53. Some unknown highwayman may bear the blame, and if I can get off, I will lose no time in gaining the West Country, and warning the honest squires of Devon and Somerset that they are in danger.

  54. She learned the penalty that would be exacted for his late exploit, in which she had herself taken part, should his identity with the reputed highwayman be discovered by those who were already on his track.

  55. The highwayman fired into the back of the carriage, and Lord Derby and my father returned his fire by leaning out of the windows.

  56. Of course my father never saw his groom again, and his horses were in much better condition ever afterwards--at least those which were left, for the highwayman rode away upon the best horse in the stables.

  57. So they loaded their pistols, and it was not a bit too soon, for directly after a highwayman rode up to the carriage-window and demanded their money or their lives.

  58. But even admitting the possibility of its safe arrival in England, would not the news of its coming be passed round from highwayman to highwayman until the last chance of its reaching her had fled?

  59. Is there any highwayman fool enough to collect fiddles?

  60. But the animal was well trained: he was as faithful to the man who had just dismounted as though he were a highwayman who had left his saddle to plunder a coach.

  61. The kiddey clapped his persuaders to his prad but the traps boned him; the highwayman spurred his horse hard, but the officers seized him.

  62. The highwayman spurred his horse and got away from the officers.

  63. Also to throw away or hide: thus a highwayman who throws away or hides any thing with which he robbed, to prevent being known or detected, is, in the canting lingo, styled a Dinger.

  64. Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill, The highwayman came riding, Riding, riding!

  65. Somehow or other, he told me, though he had been a highwayman and was then protected from the flimsy law of that day only by his Indian brothers, he could not bring himself to break faith with them.

  66. Highwayman Peter Drew had been, but never in his life had he broken faith with a friend.

  67. The highwayman and his confrere, the pirate, were children of the 18th century.

  68. They who would pursue the highwayman must have the swifter horse, otherwise pursuit became futile.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "highwayman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bandit; outlaw; robber; thief