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Example sentences for "kind heart"

  • Heaven will bless you for your good, kind heart.

  • You must have a kind heart, or you couldn't have done what you did for Jenny.

  • Such a good, kind heart as you have would not let you do anything very bad.

  • I found him unchanged--a kind heart--always a kind heart.

  • You have a kind heart," said Miss Jean; "oh, you have a kind heart.

  • I would not mind so much myself; you are young, and have a kind, kind heart.

  • She could not help thinking that it would be a real pleasure to Her Majesty, who had girls of her own and a kind heart, to see such a creature as Lilias just in the opening of her flower.

  • Then the young man and his guest made a hearty meal, and when it was ended the little gray man said: "Because you have such a kind heart, and have willingly shared your food with me, I am going to reward you.

  • But the giantess had a kind heart, and after a time she allowed Jack to come into the kitchen, where she set before him enough breakfast to last him a week.

  • You have a remarkable gift with people for so young a girl, and I do you the credit of thinking that it all springs from a kind heart.

  • I know ye've a kind heart, and that ye've always acted according to your light, the same as me.

  • The Tzar was pleased with the kind heart of the little pretty one, and he forgave the bad ones, and their hands were untied, and the little pretty one kissed them, and they kissed her again and said they were sorry.

  • He has a kind heart, he has, and riches have not spoiled it.

  • The little girl, who had a kind heart, forgot all her sorrows, and took a scrap of her crust and threw it to the little mouse.

  • You did just right: and I am glad that Michael has a kind heart.

  • Yet the servant had a kind heart, and really desired to serve her.

  • She could not understand why he should be so much interested in her as to offer the use of all he had; and she was obliged to attribute it all to the impulses of a kind heart.

  • But a kind heart, benevolence, and a love of good living, beamed in every look.

  • And you, with your clear eyes and your kind heart, would you find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong, and to feel for the sorrows of others--?

  • When Agatha inquired of her about her father, Melissa briefly replied, that since her mother's death he was often moody and rough, but that he had a good, kind heart.

  • Pity is the only form of love which even the worst crime can not eradicate from a kind heart.

  • I am convinced that all this was due to nothing else but a kind heart, and not to fear of the inconvenience of being kicked out and being unable to borrow money from some one.

  • Yes, the recollection of what had happened this morning left an aftermath of bitterness in Mrs. Otway's kind heart.

  • Polly had a kind heart, if a pettish manner.

  • If she got an opportunity of showing it, it would make clear to Mr. Head what a good fellow was Miss Rose's betrothed, and what a kind heart he had.

  • To be sure, he had such a kind heart, he was so generous!

  • Virginie had a kind heart, she had never sinned except through excess of sensibility.

  • I sometimes feared she would share the fate of Father Darity, for she had a kind heart, and was guilty of many benevolent acts, which, if known, would have subjected her to very serious consequences.

  • She understood my feelings at once, and immediately said, "You need not be afraid of me, for I have a kind heart, if I do use wicked words.

  • He had a kind heart; he could feel for the unfortunate, and that, with the Roman Catholics, is an "unpardonable sin.

  • As Flora had said, Charley possessed a kind heart, and was just and honorable in every respect, but I trembled for the woman who placed her happiness in his keeping; and how much more so, when that woman was my beloved and only sister.

  • Like all his letters it contained but few words, but they were dictated by a kind heart.

  • Ah; that proves you have a Kind heart," remarked the Scarecrow, approvingly.

  • Had the heart the Wizard gave you been a Kind Heart, you would have gone back home and made the beautiful Munchkin girl your wife, and then brought her here to be an Empress and live in your splendid tin castle.

  • But the Wizard's stock of hearts was low, and he gave me a Kind Heart instead of a Loving Heart, so that I could not love Nimmie Amee any more than I did when I was heartless.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kind heart" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    amende honorable; ancient religion; being about; being the; but neither; can only; kind and; kind enough; kind friend; kind friends; kind heart; kind master; kind permission; kind reception; kind regards; kind word; kinder guess; kindest regards; kindled against; late autumn; picture gallery; public ownership; then plane; time would; took pains; wooded country