Take head, feet, andhaslet of pig; boil them until done, then cut them up fine, taking out the bones.
Haslet has well been called the father of the first Delaware regiment.
Before the regiment had left Delaware, Colonel Haslet had begun to drill them, and as soon as they were settled in Brooklyn the drill began again.
But one bright, clear Sunday morning in April, word was brought to Colonel Haslet that an American schooner had anchored just off the shore below Cape Henlopen.
Colonel John Haslet came marching down to Lewes at the head of the Delaware militia, so as to be ready to protect the town against the English, in case they tried to land.
Of the eight hundred men who fought that day barely one hundred were left, and Colonel Haslet was killed by a shot through the head.
They are more generally eaten in Europe than in this country, and they are really worthy of careful preparation; for instance, take the haslet ragout, the receipt for which is given further on in this chapter.
There was not a hog killed within three parishes of him whereof he had not some part of the haslet and puddings.
Early the next morning McDougall was ordered to reinforce Haslet with a small corps and two pieces of artillery under Hamilton, and to assume general command.
To Rodney, Haslet wrote: "I fear Genl Washington has too heavy a task, assisted mostly by beardless boys.
Haslet wrote August 31st: "I expect every moment orders to march off to Kingsbridge to prevent the enemy crossing the East River and confining us on another nook.