Stomach contains dark, grumous matter, and is soft, pale, and brittle.
Stomach may contain dark grumous fluid, and its mucous coat presents the appearance of crimson velvet.
We have no direct evidence how the embryo is formed, yet no one doubts but that it is brought about by the agency of the boyau, which is a cell containing grumous molecular matter.
The ulcers forming about the sixth day have a yellowish-white appearance with red points and raised irregular borders, and the discharge is grumous and viscous, with a yellowish or reddish tinge.
The former, when cut into, present one or more loose clots of black blood or a grumous mass of blood-elements, separating the tissues and often mixed with fetid gases.
Beneath the pleuræ may be seen ecchymoses, hard, fibrous nodules, and yellow elevations, which on being incised furnishgrumous pus.
At other times there was considerable muco-purulent matter, with oozing of grumous blood, "resembling the discharge from the bowels in cases of chronic dysentery.
The dark grumous blood that passed the bowels on the second and third days can now be accounted for, and corroborates your remark that the hemorrhage looked like strangulation.
Blood which has been acted upon by the gastric juice is coagulated, has a grumous consistence, and acquires by the formation of haematin out of haemoglobin a dark-brown color, often compared to that of coffee-grounds.
Blood and mucus may be seen in them, being slimy or grumous and bloody.
About two ounces of discoloured pus were evacuated, together with a considerable quantity of grumous blood.
In those who were cured by these Remedies, he says, Stones, or a kind of a grumous calculous Matter, were always found in the Stools, as the Jaundice was going off.
She was retching, and emitting from her mouth a frothy mucous fluid, mixed with ejected matter of a grumous colour; the breathing was laboured and spasmodic; the pulse could not be felt, and the body was cold and clammy.
The gullet has a shrivelled and worm-eaten appearance; the stomach is injected with black blood, and was filled with an acid, grumous matter.
About the fourth week a large opening formed at the seat of the original orifice, from which upwards of a quart of thick grumous blood was discharged.
Recent hemorrhoids are sometimes got rid of at once by the puncture of a lancet,[50] by which a clot of grumous blood is discharged, with immediate subsidence of the swelling, and abatement of pain.
All the grumous blood, amounting to nearly a quart, was squeezed out, when the edges of the wound were brought together with adhesive strips and a roller extending from the wrist upwards.