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Example sentences for "contend with"

  • It seems thus to have man's whole nature, and all the institutions of the world, especially of other existing religions, to contend with.

  • For many generations her rulers had been trying to transplant into their wide dominions the art and crafts of the West, but they had formidable difficulties to contend with, and their success was not nearly as great as they desired.

  • And here he had greater difficulties than ever to contend with, for they were men who held the power of the sword in their hands.

  • On the departure of Tippoo from the Carnatic, General Stuart had only the French and some sepoys to contend with, and these were posted behind their fortified lines at Cuddalore.

  • What the directors complained of most, was the ignorance which prevailed on this subject, and which, by deluding the country, was the greatest enemy they had to contend with.

  • During the greater part of the war, he continued, we had only France to contend with, and when Spain commenced hostilities, France was reduced to the lowest ebb, having already lost her navy and the best of her colonies.

  • The usual servant question is a very serious one in Teheran, and is one of the chief troubles that Europeans have to contend with.

  • One of the greatest difficulties that a trader has to contend with is the impossibility of selling anything for ready money, and thus making small but quick profits.

  • The greatest enemy the deer has to contend with is the wolf.

  • The land being of a sandy nature, we had but few stones to contend with.

  • Difficulties the plant has to contend with.

  • In the feebleness of its infancy, the little colony was called to contend with one of the most warlike tribes of Indians that ever inhabited New England.

  • The dowager had the curse of bad impressions in youth to contend with, and labored infinitely harder now to make her daughter act right, than formerly she had ever done to make her act wrong.

  • It is not pleasant to me to contend with papists, who look upon it as a matter of duty, and as a fundamental article of their faith, to persecute myself and all other heretics.

  • They are better able than I am to contend with Papists.

  • Eugene Sue understands much better the strength and power he has to contend with, than our American theologians do.

  • Arriving in the country with such surroundings and difficulties to contend with, no wonder the castaways remained in a state of savagery.

  • It is either directly or indirectly responsible for all the crime and suffering humanity has to contend with.

  • The thought is the mightiest force for good or evil, humanity has to contend with; time is measured by it and pure meditation makes the days short and sweet, while evil notions lengthen and depreciate them.

  • With such a feast for my eyes to contend with, it seemed as if my senses were being gradually overcome by the intoxicating clutch of voluptuous dreams.

  • This decisive rejection of a plan, to which, from the tender pity she testified, he believed he should persuade her to assent, threw him into one of those transports of agonizing passion which he could neither conceal or contend with.

  • There have been a few pleasing indications of good; and, considering the difficulties they have to contend with, the conduct of the children was generally favorable.

  • In this they had many difficulties to contend with; arising principally from the awful carelessness of parents about their children's spiritual welfare, and the want of adequate help to carry on a school.

  • He had much to contend with: and I am sure, from my own observation, had many been situated as he was, the school would have been speedily abandoned.

  • The chief difficulty he had now to contend with in Italy was the reduction of its fortified towns.

  • The afflicted Church at this time had many misfortunes to contend with.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contend with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    animal spirits; come next; contend against; contend with; fresh meat; garden party; gave himself; gave notice; gentle maiden; introduction should; issue between; little vanilla; moral causes; mother had; shall die; show themselves; single stem; supernatural beings; tablespoonful butter; thine owne; think things; told him; years male